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Posts: 1,780
Registered: ‎08-04-2013

Anyone here from Iowa?  I watch the cams for

the Decorah Eagles and the Decorah North Eagles, 2 different cams.


The North cam shows snow coming down hard but barely anything on the other cam.  How far apart are these nest if you know?


Just wondering.

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Posts: 8,089
Registered: ‎10-03-2014

No, I don't watch them.


I am watching Big Bear, Northeast and Southwest Florida, Hanover, PA, and one I think the nest is on a tree located on an Amish farm around Lancaster, PA.


Sad things going on at Big Bear.  Jackie's first egg was taken by a raven.  The third egg broke when she had it yesterday.  A raven got the second egg today. 


But, these two did something similar last year.  They stayed away from the eggs too long and they didn't hatch.


In 2018, they lost one egg.  One hatched.  


Not sure what's going on with them.  All the other eagles are so diligent.  

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Posts: 14,759
Registered: ‎03-15-2014

I don't watch them either.  But I see what you mean - it looks to be snowing quite heavily there.


The DC Eagle Cam at the National Arboretum has been a bust the last couple years. The pair of bald eagles - "The President" and "First Lady" - returned to the nest both years but didn't have any eggs.  The year before that, one of their two eaglets contracted West Nile Disease and was euthanized.  There was some speculation their lack of mating success would lead to a break-up.  

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Posts: 1,780
Registered: ‎08-04-2013

My main eagles are at Berry College in Rome, Ga. We had a bad couple of years also.  We got a new "mom" this year as she ran off the long reigning mom. The old mom had a bad leg that she hurt some how about 5 years ago and could no longer stand on it. Last year both eggs were bad, one broke and the other was non-viable.


We have two eggs this year so we hope it is a happy year.


I also check in on both Florida nest, I forget about Hanover and the Hamlet.