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Re: Daughter fell off of horse

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Qshopper1991 wrote:

She's okay thank God.  


She was riding at a friends farm.  Been doing this for years.  Since my daughter fell on their property, a co-worker told me that the owner of the property/horses should pay for the hospital bill.  My health care insurance is horrible.  I have to pay 100% of everything until I meet a $4,000 deductible.  I'm already paying on a hospital bill from last year.


My co-worker thinks I should talk to her.  What do you think?

@Qshopper1991 wrote:

She's okay thank God.  


She was riding at a friends farm.  Been doing this for years.  Since my daughter fell on their property, a co-worker told me that the owner of the property/horses should pay for the hospital bill.  My health care insurance is horrible.  I have to pay 100% of everything until I meet a $4,000 deductible.  I'm already paying on a hospital bill from last year.


My co-worker thinks I should talk to her.  What do you think?


@Qshopper1991  At the barn where my DD rode for many years, whenever a child was injured, the barn owner volunteered to pay the medical bill.  My DD fell off and sprained her ankle, but I didn't request payment as we have good insurance.

If that barn was a commercial enterprise where folks paid to ride that's a whole different kettle of fish.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Daughter fell off of horse

[ Edited ]

@hckynut wrote:




My sentiments exactly. Like my sis, you love your equine family. This OP thinks Homeowners Insurance won't go up if she sues her friend? She has gotta join the REAL world. My sis pays a bundle for her Homeowners Insurance, and part of it is connected to her choice of equine, not canine or feline.


Stay well and enjoy your rides.





@hckynut, hi!   I hope you don't mind that I chuckled when I read of your sister scaring the whopti out of you while riding....I remember you telling that story and it still makes me laugh.  Smiley Wink  


You're absolutely right that if the op's friend's insurance pays for this, her insurance premium will likely go up.  Insurance companies are in the business to make money after all.


In addition, her insurance company may consider this equine activity to be too much of a risk and cancel them. And, as someone mentioned before, if she does ask them to pay, they may pay but it's possible they'll prevent op's daughter from ever coming on their property again.  Wouldn't blame them - who needs that kind of trouble??  Kind of like a "no good deed shall go unpunished" situation.


BTW..please tell your sis I said hello.  Smiley Happy





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Re: Daughter fell off of horse

@SharkE wrote:

We're a litigious society.

Yes and sadly, many people do not realize that when folks are sued and insurance companies are forced to pay out large financial settlements, (not talking about the OP's situation but about large settlements we see in the news) it's the rest of us who actually pay for these settlements in part through our increased premiums.  So, while it may be nice to "stick it to the man" with regard to large companies that are forced to pay, it's really you and me and everyone else who has insurance who must contribute to this settlement.  


And before anyone gets upset with me please understand that my dad was in the insurance business for many years and taught me this.  Yes, sometimes folks get some money from insurance companies in settlements.  But ins cos will try to recoup their losses. It's about business survival.

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Re: Daughter fell off of horse

INsurance will pay for for a accident IF the insured was liable because of something they,did or failed to do caused the accident.  THat does not appear to be the case here.  THe injured,party has to prove liability on the part of the insured.

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Re: Daughter fell off of horse

ANyone who says "Well let the insurance pay" is living in some sort of dream world.  BElieve me the insurance may pay out but the insured will definitely be paying the bill through higher premiums.  THere is no such thing as a free ride when it comes to insurance claims.  THe insurance company will recoup their loss.

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Re: Daughter fell off of horse

[ Edited ]


please read this:


i have read most of the replies, and they are all wrong-


at least according to my home insurance agency- here in nj-


[***maybe differs in other states but one has to check to be sure, some states must be the same as nj]

i know this is long, but when i saw an overwhelming response that seems very possibly incorrect, i wanted to give the op all the info i had.Heart



in the op, she didn't mention 'SUING' anyone- she said maybe she should 'talk' to the property owner about the medical bills. ** that's a very big difference.


i had 2 instances over the past years where i was shocked to find out, that I WAS financially liable for injuries sustained on my property- even tho there was no fault on my part.


the agent said that if :

> the person was allowed /invited onto my property by me, as opposed to a random solicitor;

> they only had to ask me to pay their medical bills for their injuries.

then i had to call my agent and decide if i wanted to pay myself, go through my insurance, or take a chance and see if they would sue me if i wouldn't pay.

that it was best for me to come to an amicable agreement with them for the bills, in case they sued they may get more- asking for more than their bills. very hard to prove legally there wasn't ''some reason'' why they hurt themselves here. plus legal fees.


again, there had to be no fault, hazard or any wrong doing on my part!


in 1 case, an elderly person suddenly fell, and broke her shoulder. i found out after, she had bad knees that used to 'give out' on her and she then would fall, tho this was the first injury due to that.  but not my fault at all.

he said one has to be careful who one lets on their property.


another guest kept telling her 'to sue' for damages - which was very aggravating, as there was no grounds - she said ''well, sue the builder of the house, not shosh''. which made no sense in this case anyway, but shows someone who is ''sue happy''. the op was not expressing that.


it worked out well for me, as i was worried after my agent told me the info-

but the lady was very realistic, said she knew she fell due to her own problem, and her medicare would cover all, which i hope it did, as she was not well to do. but she never mentioned $ to me.

if she had, and i paid- there probably would have been some hard feelings, as it was her own 'fault'- but really, if i am liable no matter what, so it would have been my tough luck.


i wanted to tell the op this, as if this is the case in her state, and the property owner has insurance- especially if she boards horses or otherwise has folks ride there, she may need/have extra insurance for that.


so maybe op can ask her own home insurance agent about it, he may know the regulations for her state etc.

and then see if she wants to ask the property owner if she has insurance for folks getting hurt on her property. 

[a young teen fell off a horse near here, on a property that kept some horses, and she died. just an 'accident', but i wonder what occurred, $ wise in that case. riding can be very dangerous, injuries are often not 'minor'. and may not seem as serious at first either.]

hope your daugher recovers well and quickly.





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Re: Daughter fell off of horse

The o/p (who interestingly has never come back to this thread. Hmmm. I wonder why?) may "talk" with the other party, but if that other party were me, I wouldn't pay a dime, and any friendship would be over, and the daughter would never be allowed to ride on my property ever again.


So, o/p, you have to ask yourself, is all that really worth it?




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Re: Daughter fell off of horse

@Plaid Pants2


WOW...really??  Let's see....I don't owe you an explanation of why I didn't come back to the thread....but I will be gracious enough since you seem to be starting rumors. 


First, I have a lunch break.  The day I started this thread I was actually ABLE to take a lunch.  The reason I didn't come back??  Because I didn't take lunch yesterday.  Because I had a huge project I had to complete.  And I don't log in to this site after work.  I'm too busy with working out and life in general. 


Don't assume the worst @Plaid Pants2.   SMH.

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Re: Daughter fell off of horse



Thank you for posting that.  It's very interesting. 


Yes, I would never sue this person.  She's a good person.



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Re: Daughter fell off of horse



I never said anything about suing anyone.


Doesn't anyone read anymore?  SMH...