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Re: Dateline. Disaster on you tube...never again !

@hckynut- Dateline NBC has a YouTube channel.  One can watch old seasons there.

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Re: Dateline. Disaster on you tube...never again !



Thank you!  Not sure how far back it goes in my On Demand, but I steer away from NBC except when they carry Nascar, and the NHL Hockey Games. 


I DVR like I said in my other post. If it looks like a mystery or something I watch it. Get ID channel and DVR their true crime shows. Appreciate your letting me get her post.




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Re: Dateline. Disaster on you tube...never again !



A poster mentioned bootlegged copy to you tube because of the juvenile camera work....sounds like the most likely scenario.


We normally don't use You Tube.  It just came up as a third party app.  When I hit play, that was what I got.

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Re: Dateline. Disaster on you tube...never again !

@50Mickey wrote:

Isn't Dateline on NBC? 

Dateline is aired on lots of channels.  It is an NBC program though.  It even comes on the Discovery I.D. channel.  It comes on other NBC networks too, like MSNBC.

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