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Daily Positive Thread for Friday

Good is always coming to you. No matter what is happening in your life,
you can bless it with prayer and be peaceful. Lord, You give me the courage
to face any situation confidently and victoriously.

Scripture for the day:

"Other seed fell into good soil and brought forth grain, growing up
and increasing and yielding thirty and sixty and a hundred-fold." And
he said, 'Let anyone with ears to hear listen!'" ~Mark 4:8-9

Meditation for the day:

God's kingdom on earth is growing slowly, like a seed in the ground.
In the growth of God's kingdom there is always progress among the few
who are out ahead of the crowd. We can keep striving for something
better and there does not need to be stagnation in our lives. Eternal
life, abundant life can be ours for the seeking. We need not misspend
time over past failures. We can count the lessons learned from
failures as rungs upon the ladder of progress. We can press onward
toward the goal.

Prayer for the day:

I pray that I may be willing to grow. I pray that I may keep stepping
up on the rungs of the ladder of life.

Greetings my friends! How was your day? Hope it went well and you found blessings along the way. Well, today another house showing - and found out Sunday there'll be another one again after the Open House. Had to be out of the house so didn't make supper - tried a new restaurant in town - Texas Roadhouse. Had chicken and ribs, and took a lot home.
They feed you lots of peanuts in the shells there! We went to the early dinner one where the prices are much cheaper. This afternoon Georgia came again for my hair cut and shampoo, and she's also a cleaning lady and she just started in making sure my mirrors shined for the showing, she is such a lovely lady! She is really a blessing to me.

Homily of the Day

June 2, 2011

Be True from the Inside Out
by Monsignor Dennis Clark, Ph.D.

Acts 1:1-11 / Eph 1:17-23 / Mk 16:15-20

Buried somewhere in our high school memories is a novel that was on everyone’s reading list, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter . It’s the story of a pious young puritan clergyman who becomes secretly involved with a beautiful young woman, Hester Prynne. Nature takes its course and the woman gives birth to a child. But no father is in evidence, and no marriage vows have been pronounced. So the tight little Puritan village in which she lives labels her “adulteress,” and casts her out of church and friendship and out of all kindly contact. She is alone, with the scarlet letter “A” sewn upon her dress.

Meanwhile, her secret lover, the Reverend Dimmesdale, continues to rise in the esteem of his people. From far and wide they come to marvel at the purity of his soul, and to listen to his beautiful words. But he has no words for Hester and no embrace for his fatherless child. The years pass. Hester and her child survive — alone. But Dimmesdale slowly crumples from within, crushed by the weight of the lie he is living. At the height of his career he is dying. At the very last moment — with the whole town gathered round — he takes Hester to himself and for the first time embraces his little child. Then he dies.

And what moral are we to take from this long, sad story? Hawthorne sums it up in two words — which he repeats three times: “Be true. Be true. Be true.”

I wonder if that isn’t the essence of Jesus’ last words to us before ascending to heaven. “Go out to the whole world,” he says to us all, “and tell the good news.” Now in its literal sense, telling means using words, talking. And who can deny that talking is important if we want to share good news? But talk is cheap; and, as Dimmesdale reminds us, it always has been. So if we have any hope of following Jesus’ command to proclaim the good news, we’re going to have to do a lot more than talk, a lot more than just tell the truth. We’re going to have to be true. Be true on the inside. And from that truthfulness on the inside will spring forth not only words that are true, but deeds that are true. Deeds that, in their rightness and goodness, shout to the whole world what really matters, deeds that proclaim to the whole world that God is here, living in the hearts of his people.

God has given us an immense mission, telling his good news to all the world. So we truly need to pray for one another:

May God help us become true on the inside, so that every word and deed of ours may speak his good news till that day when he will speak it to us all face to face. Amen.

I looked up
By Jim Warda
I took my son to the doctor because he wasn't feeling well. In the waiting room, I tried to get him to smile but he didn't have much energy, which had me worried.

Then again, when it comes to my children, I always worry. If they run around crazily, I worry that they'll fall. If they sleep more than usual, I check to make sure that they're still breathing. Yes, I worry.

But, worrying comes with the territory. In fact, as soon as a baby is born, I believe something happens in a parent's cells, where a worrying gene is awakened and begins to mutate.

So, there I sat, mutating, holding my son, imagining that what was probably a cold might actually be something worse. But, then I looked up, straight into the eyes of another man holding his daughter, looking every bit as worried.

Which is exactly the point. You see, I had felt alone. But, in one moment, with one look, I was suddenly connected. Though this other man and I never spoke, I swear I knew exactly what he was feeling. And, I'm guessing that seeing me had the same effect on him.

So often, we feel like no one can possibly understand what's hidden in our heart. Surrounded by the night and the trees when even the light from a television through the window of a stranger's house would make us feel better.

But, we feel the same feelings, just at different times. And, we go through similar moments, just on different days.

Afterwards, after we found out that my son did indeed simply have a cold, he demanded two suckers. As I paid the bill, I looked for the other man, hoping his daughter was fine. But he wasn't there.

Yet, he's still with me. Always will be.

"You Must Blossom"

Where God has planted you, you must blossom. It is not everything to live resigned where God has placed you. You must BLOSSOM - that is, live there happily and make others happy.

To blossom means for you to show that you are happy for all the good God has done for you, for the services that are rendered you, and the devotedness you are called upon to give to others.

To blossom is to tell everyone, around you that you are happy; to tell them this by a simple manner and a happy face. Indeed I am well off to be here and grateful to God for all His kindness.

To blossom is to be at the disposal of everybody; willing to be disturbed; to submit willingly in everything that would be agreeable to others, and never show weariness or annoyance.

What strength, what peace, what self-abnegation and holiness, too, are contained in these words: "Where God has planted you, you must blossom."

Somebody Cares
Helen Steiner Rice

Somebody cares and always will---
the world forgets, but God loves you still.

You cannot go beyond His love no matter what you're
guilty of, for God forgives until the end. He is your faithful,
loyal friend.

And though you try to hide your face, there is no shelter
any place that can escape His watchful eye, for on the earth
and in the sky, He's ever present and always there to take you
in His tender care.

And He'll bind the wounds and mend the breaks, when all
the world around you forsakes. Somebody cares and loves
you still, and God is the Someone who always will.

To Our Lady

O most blessed and sweet Virgin Mary,
Mother of God, filled with all tenderness,
Daughter of the most high King,
Lady of the Angels,
Mother of all the faithful,

On this day and all the days of my life,
I entrust to your merciful heart my body and my soul,
all my acts, thoughts, choices,
desires, words, deeds,
my entire life and death,
So that, with your assistance,
all may be ordered to the good
according to the will of your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. ...

From your beloved Son. ..
request for me the grace to resist firmly
the temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil. ..

My most holy Lady,
I also beseech you to obtain for me
true obedience and true humility of heart
So that I may recognize myself truly
as a sinner--wretched and weak--
and powerless,
without the grace and help of my Creator
and without your holy prayers. ..

Obtain for me as well,
O most sweet Lady,
true charity with which from the depths of my heart
I may love your most holy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
and, after Him,
love you above all other things. ..

Grant, O Queen of Heaven,
that ever in my heart
I may have fear and love alike
for your most sweet Son. ..

I pray also that, at the end of my life,
you, Mother without compare,
Gate of Heaven and Advocate of sinners. ..
will protect me with your great piety and mercy. ..

and obtain for me, through the blessed and glorious Passion of your Son
and through your own intercession,
received in hope, the forgiveness of all my sins.
When I die in your love and His love,
may you direct me
into the way of salvation and blessedness.
Amen. "

(Adapted, St Thomas Aquinas)

Good night everyone - Sweet dreams to all and may you all have a very blessed Friday filled with many blessings you'll want to share about!
God bless you all!