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I have many deer prints close to my front door in my tanbark.  They have been digging looking for my flower bulbs.  They have already eaten half of some of my foundation plantings and we have sprayed a deer deterent everywhere..which doesn't seem to work 100%.


We have been leaving the spotlights on all night out front thinking maybe they might not want to be seen.


When I take my dogs out at night, I am scared.  I have had deer herds thunder though my back yard running and jumping when I take my dogs out.  I am afraid my dogs will get hurt.  They are always leashed when we go out now.


If anyone wants deer in their yard, they can have mine. 

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Posts: 14,239
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@grandma petes wrote:

Outside my sons kitchen window this morning.😊690DB1A0-EAC7-4374-B42F-BF2902B32955.jpeg

Now that looks like a healthy well fed deer.  Does your son bother to feed them or is that deer capable on his own? @grandma petes 

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Registered: ‎12-19-2018

Beautiful creatures @MamaWick !!


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Lucky Charm wrote:

@grandma petes wrote:

Outside my sons kitchen window this morning.😊690DB1A0-EAC7-4374-B42F-BF2902B32955.jpeg

Now that looks like a healthy well fed deer.  Does your son bother to feed them or is that deer capable on his own? @grandma petes 

He lives in a small town and the deer are like regular citizens....they roam around without a care....are not skittish of people and there's lots of natural food everywhere for them. If they're outside his door, and you walk out they just look at you and keep munching away. So much fun to watch.