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My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

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Re: DEER Wednesday 03/17/2021

MamaWick, those pictures of Cricket just melt my heart. Appreciate the deer pics too.

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Re: DEER Wednesday 03/17/2021

[ Edited ]

These wonderful closeups- 

You could just reach out and hug them! And kiss them while we are at it!

And I love this picture of Cricket wide awake! Hi sweetie pie and little lady protector of the yard!Heart

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: DEER Wednesday 03/17/2021

The lovely does quietly and daintily gathering while adorable  Miss Cricket joining her friends  from the forest and relaxing. All is tranquil and sunny.

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Re: DEER Wednesday 03/17/2021

Cricket & company - too cute!

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Re: DEER Wednesday 03/17/2021

What beautiful pics of the deer! Ok that's it. You should become a wildlife photographer lol. Well you are one in your own right. Seriously though, that second pic is so pretty you could hang it on a wall. And look at Miss Cricket sunning herself. What a little sweetheart she is!

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Re: DEER Wednesday 03/17/2021

[ Edited ]

Cricket looks so cute taking a sun bath.

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Re: DEER Wednesday 03/17/2021


Thank you again for the lovely photos.  And, what a joy to see your Sweet Cricket included.  Maybe one day, she'll invite the deer in your home ...

just sayin'.     Woman LOL

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Re: DEER Wednesday 03/17/2021

@MamaWick   Each time I think I have found my favorite picture, you post a new favorite.  What wonderful closeups of the beautiful herd.


Woofs and kisses of course to the most adorable Cricket.  Sending good thoughts her way.


“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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Re: DEER Wednesday 03/17/2021

Oh be still my heart!  That picture of Cricket looking and posing!  She knows how pretty she is!  What a little sweetheart!  I just want to hug her!


And of course the deer posing as well!  So cute!!  


My daily dose of warming my heart!!  Heart