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Re: DEER Thursday 09/23/2021

bet she didn't know she'd have her own petting zoo!!  nice.....

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: DEER Thursday 09/23/2021

As the deer already know, if you are staying at the Wick's B & B you are okay people. Bet you SIL has a great time.


The fawn in that one picture still has such a baby face - so cute.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: DEER Thursday 09/23/2021


These photos are great!  Loving the does & their fawns, so adorable.  Looks like Barb as their undivided attention .. with a little bit of bribing .. Woman Wink

Thank you for sharing.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: DEER Thursday 09/23/2021

@MamaWick   Ok, when is it my turn?  What a lucky gal your SIL is!  She not only gets the pleasure of your company, but she also gets the big herd welcome.  

Did she bring her own carrots?  I will 😁🥕🥕🥕


Woofs to sweet Cricket in heaven.  Cricket, your dear deer friends are being treated like royalty. 💕

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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Registered: ‎05-19-2012

Re: DEER Thursday 09/23/2021

Tell Barb I envy her for getting this experience.


That "Mother and Child" shot...   Be still, my heart.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 819
Registered: ‎03-27-2011

Re: DEER Thursday 09/23/2021

Oh my gosh!  How very lucky your SIL is getting to visit and feed the clan!  What fun!!


Love those pics and especially that one with the mom and her baby!  That one fawn is younger as it's smaller with more visible spots!  So sweet!! Heart


Well, I think you can start a new business - you can invite all of us and charge us admission to come and feed the deer!  You'd make a fortune off of us!  LOL


Enjoy the visit with your SIL and have fun with the gang!  Heart

Honored Contributor
Posts: 24,685
Registered: ‎07-21-2011

Re: DEER Thursday 09/23/2021

how sweet is that your SIL is feeding the deer.  She probably had a really good time and I am happy that there was a small crowd.  That first picture shows a real beauty buck.  The deer know they are safe in this area.

kindness is strength