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DEER Throwback Thursday 08/11/2022

From somewhere in Iowa, I give you TBT












Willow is doing extremely well on the car ride, but not so well in the hotel 


My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: DEER Throwback Thursday 08/11/2022

I like how she brings her blankie with her.  Smiley Happy

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Re: DEER Throwback Thursday 08/11/2022

I love the picture wirh the Buck in laying in the grass.  I hve a feeling the deer are missing Mamawick.

kindness is strength
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Re: DEER Throwback Thursday 08/11/2022

[ Edited ]

Thank you for the Throwback pics MamaWick. Delightful as always! So sweet of you to do this while traveling.


I feel for Willow! I traveled so much in my previous "life", I was never truly comfortable in any hotel room and would count down the days til I got home again. I'm sure she will have a wonderful time once you arrive at your friends'.  


There really is no place like home. Enjoy and have fun...

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Re: DEER Throwback Thursday 08/11/2022

How thoughtful of you to send your great photos of the deer while traveling!  The photo of the Buck resting with all the foliage in the back round is a stand out!  As always a calms feeling comes upon me as I visit your nature post!


I am glad Princess Willow White is enjoying the ride and hope she can adjust to the hotel stays.  The photo of her wrapped up in her royal red blanket should soothe her nerves!!!!!   Safe travels and enjoy the trip!

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Re: DEER Throwback Thursday 08/11/2022

I love this one too!



And wasn't the guy with the big antlers in the third picture one that you named? He is soo handsome!

Your sweet and magnificent deer. I'm sure thay are missing you!


And Willow! She is probably thinking this isn't quite what she had in mind!

Not the palace she is accustomed to!



Safe travels and I hope you all have a wonderful time!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: DEER Throwback Thursday 08/11/2022

@MamaWick Enjoyed the throwback Thursday posts!  We owned a scottie that LOVED to ride but was  not comfortable in strange places.  He would bark when folks drove up in front of our rooms at night slamming doors, honking horns or the ice machine made strange noises.  Boomer was never off-duty when we stayed away from home.  I do hope that Willow becomes comfortable on her trip, the blankie is a comfort for sure.

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Re: DEER Throwback Thursday 08/11/2022

Oh thank you Mama for the pictures from somewhere in Iowa. I miss them.

They are so beautiful.. 
That one buck lying down, he is so beautiful and plump.

I can understand how Willow feels. When we traveled, my four legged babies weren't happy ..

Thank you.

Love and blessings.