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The above is not one of my pictures, but is my philosophy 



Should we wake up to eat?



Let me think...YES!




I know a lot of the pictures look alike, but they truly are new pictures each time, unless I say they are throwback photos.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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@MamaWick  I always enjoy your pictures of your extended family.  One of the towns 26 miles from us have a nuisance permit and let hunters bow hunt deer because they were eating folks flowers and such.  Personally I think it is barbaric and the philosophy is on point, they were there first.  I love our visitors and yes we feed them too.

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Your deer philosophy is correct!  I say it often when people complain about animals in their yards.  More & more people seem to be building new homes further out into wooded areas that are their natural habitats.


Another fear I have as they come into cities & towns is them being hit by vehicles.


On the up side .. @MamaWick thanks for sharing more wonderful pics of your deer friends/family.  A beautiful sight to see each day.

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Re: DEER Sunday 08/16/2020

[ Edited ]

Hi @MamaWick 


My daily dose of doe and buck does me a world of good.

I know they are new pics - deer gather and pose similar because ....well - DEER


It's not like they can smile and throw up a peace sign or wave whilst winking at you for a photo.  But wouldn't THAT be COOL! 

Smiley Wink


They gather similarly each day to graze, get water, treats and shade.


I love your photos and look very much foreward to them EVERY DAY.

Thank you for giving me something sweet and darling to enjoy.


You are indeed blessed - but again SO ARE THEY to have YOU!

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@MamaWick - The philosophy in the first photo is one I share.  I've always pointed that out to people who complain about any kind of wildlife - they were here first!  We encroached on their habitat to build more and more homes.


Thanks for the photos!

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 @MamaWick  I  love the photos!  My four deer were around my yard today munching grass and trimming shrubbery. I'm always glad they're okay! The babies are growing, and don't stay as close to the mama. 
  They know to run from people but they still know me even though it's been almost a year since I've fed them.

                        🦌 🦌 🦌 🦌

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Beautiful photos.  We had two doe and two fawns in our yard tonight eating dropped apples from an old apple tree.  We have a new dog who was in the house; he saw them and barked at them.  They looked around but did not leave.  I closed all the blinds and the dog settled down. 


I agree with the sentiment that humans are taking the habitat from the animals.  They were here first.  Our wildlife is under stress. 

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These pics are awesome and bring a smile.


Just a quick ? will they stay or at some point move on?  My cousin was feeding "a beautiful deer family" last year and sadly, they haven't been back in awhile.  


I would love to wake up to these beautiful deer in my yard!





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I'm not really sure if they will stay, but I recognize several by markings/scars, so I will see.
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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This is so beautiful. I have such a fondness for deer and have been feeding them for many years.  I have a deer feeder in my yard.  Two years ago I had a yearling buck that would take fruit from my hand.  I didn’t see him at all last summer, but he returned this summer with a beautiful rack of antlers.  He responded to his name and while he won’t take food from my hand he comes close enough so that I know it’s him.  Thank you for sharing your pics.