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Love those deer pics, especially the close-ups!  And then that one with the tongue out!  LOL!!  Woman LOL


Yes, Willow is very quick!  Looks like she quickly turned her head away - maybe she wasn't interested in a close-up today!  Always adorable!!  Hugs to her!  Heart

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Truly, those deer get sweeter by the day!  That little one, with her front feet close together and her tongue 👅 out, ... I just can’t resist.  I would be so tempted to try to give her a kiss 💋💋💋.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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@MamaWick   Thank you for more wonderful pictures that bring a smile to my face.  😊

It looks like Halloween at the Wick's with the deer waiting patiently for their treats.  All that is missing are their trick or treat bags!  🥕🍎🍌


Woofs and hugs to Miss Willow White.  💤💤💤 Taking her siesta in the comfort and love of Mama and PapaWick.  🥰


Woofs and love to sweet Cricket in heaven. 💕🌈

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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Love these photos everyday, especially Miss Willow!!

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@MamaWick   How about some pictures of Willow when she up and around?

kindness is strength
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@Katcat1   see the caption just above her picture 🙂

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix