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Re: DEER Bonus Wednesday 10/20/2021

@MamaWick This is a precious moment and is worthy of a page in National Geographic!   Thanks for sharing, this made my heart sing.

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Re: DEER Bonus Wednesday 10/20/2021


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Re: DEER Bonus Wednesday 10/20/2021

What a sweet beautiful pic! @MamaWick  you caught such a special moment. If this isn't one of the cutest things ever Heart

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Re: DEER Bonus Wednesday 10/20/2021


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Re: DEER Bonus Wednesday 10/20/2021

Oh, thank you for sharing this beautiful picture of pure pure love.  Looking at it makes all the worries in life disappear!!

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Re: DEER Bonus Wednesday 10/20/2021

[ Edited ]

@MamaWick  The photo of the doe and fawn is fantastic! You should have  it framed! 
  My deer are all much darker now. They match the color of the trees in the Fall.

  My dog alerts me to things because my hearing is bad. It was dusk on our last walk and the Mama and twins were in the ditch. Snickers stopped and pulled me across the street so we wouldn't disturb them. I called to them as we passed so thy wouldn't go in the road. 
   They are hard to see now. 
             🦌 🦌🌳🌲

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Re: DEER Bonus Wednesday 10/20/2021

OMG!!!  What an absolutely BEAUTIFUL pic!!  You should enter it in a contest and then print it and frame it!! 


I could look at this pic every day!!  HeartHeartHeart

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Re: DEER Bonus Wednesday 10/20/2021

@MamaWick   Spectacularly beautiful.  Mama is whispering to her baby, "You are more delicious and precious to me than carrots!"   

😍🥰 How I would love to see this in person.  

Woofs and love to sweet Cricket in heaven. 💕🌈


“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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Re: DEER Bonus Wednesday 10/20/2021

@MamaWick This is one of the most beautiful, sweet and adorable pictures I have seen!

Thank you for sharing it.

“We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.” Abraham Lincoln
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Re: DEER Bonus Wednesday 10/20/2021

Just so precious.  It completely captures the love berween mother and child.  And there are still some who question emotion in the animal kingdom?  

This photo would make an amazing greeting card!