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My sister has the sweetest dog, she is 14 years old and in failing health. She told me yesterday they're going to have her euthanized tomorrow. We all know it is best for her, she can't see anymore, and doesn't hear well, she has a hard time navigating stairs. She isn't my dog, but I am taking it very hard, I'm crying as I write this. I know this is the best action for her, I just hope it will be quick and her suffering will be over. I know she will have people who love her waiting when she crosses over the bridge. 

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For what it's worth, she will just go to sleep. There won't be any pain involved.  In saying that, I am so sorry for your family's loss.  It is a heart wrenching loss that you never get over, but you will someday give that love to another family dog and will have a beautiful fragrance of memories to carry with you always.  May you find peace in your grief. 💔🐶

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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I am so sorry...I have one elder dog...and I worry and am sad at even the thought. Bless you will be a tough day, unfortunately.


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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@Jordan2 wrote:

My sister has the sweetest dog, she is 14 years old and in failing health. She told me yesterday they're going to have her euthanized tomorrow. We all know it is best for her, she can't see anymore, and doesn't hear well, she has a hard time navigating stairs. She isn't my dog, but I am taking it very hard, I'm crying as I write this. I know this is the best action for her, I just hope it will be quick and her suffering will be over. I know she will have people who love her waiting when she crosses over the bridge. 

I am so sorry. Sending prayers and Big Hugs. Heart

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@Jordan2   I am so sorry...losing a beloved family member is just the worst ever.  My heart goes out to you.

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It's the wisest and kindest thing you can do for that sweet little heart.  Prayers.

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My sister had many cats as did I.  When one of her cats was ill and had to be euthanized I cried along with her.  We shed many tears together over our pets.   We are older now and I do not have a pet but she has one cat left.  The cat has health issues but it narrows down to a day by day situation.  If anything should happen, I too will be upset even though she lives out of state and I haven't seen her cat in  awhile.  


No matter how many times this sadness happens with pets, it is never easier from the last.  My sister and I came to the conclusion that quality of life is important along with if the animal is suffering.  Yes, it is very sad for all but we have to do what is best for the our pets.  I am sorry for you and your sister , thank you for sharing your story. 

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@Jordan2 wrote:

My sister has the sweetest dog, she is 14 years old and in failing health. She told me yesterday they're going to have her euthanized tomorrow. We all know it is best for her, she can't see anymore, and doesn't hear well, she has a hard time navigating stairs. She isn't my dog, but I am taking it very hard, I'm crying as I write this. I know this is the best action for her, I just hope it will be quick and her suffering will be over. I know she will have people who love her waiting when she crosses over the bridge. 

Believe me I know how you and she will feel.  My dog is my family and she is old, but so far, so good.  It's always best for the poor animal, but leaves a big hole in our hearts.  God bless and help you through this ordeal.  When the time comes, I will have mine go to sleep at home.  I will pray for all you for comfort.  So sorry, it makes me cry.

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@Jordan2  Please tell your sister your friends here care. So sorry.

I know the heartbreak too.Heart



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I'm so sorry.  I know how painful it is.  We had to put our 14 year old dog down last summer and it was terribly hard though we knew it was coming. 


Our Simba (that's her as a puppy in my avatar) was also the sweetest and most gentle dog.


While so hard I had to keep reminding myself that she had a very good, happy life with a loving family.