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Registered: ‎06-12-2010

I found a fifty dollar bill the other day. We had a heavy rainstorm with high winds and after it cleared, I had a yard full of plastic water bottles, plastic shopping bags, etc. I looked up and saw what I thought was a scrap of paper. As I went to pick it up, I saw that it was money and then noticed that it was a fifty.

I took it to the bank to have them take a look at it. Even after using the magic marker, the teller was not sure and checked with the bank manager. He was also not sure, calling it 'questionable'. After I told them how I came across it, they said that the weather beating explained the wear and tear. After they said that, I began to wonder what they thought of me before my explanation! The teller said they could send it to the Federal Reserve and if it came back OK, it was all mine. If it was counterfeit, I did a good thing by turning it in and getting it off the street.

Anyone have any experience with counterfeit money?

Oh, and if it does come back good, I will break that fifty at the bank before I leave!