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May be an image of text that says 'I SURVIVED THE BLIZZARD'

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Well, it didn't go to Montana either.

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I'm in Colorado Springs and it's just now starting to come down. I have satellite TV and my dish is already coated with heavy, sticky wet snow. Gonna have to go out there an clear it off at some point. We're suppose to be getting a lot of snow from now until early Monday morning. 

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@LillyandHobo, your prayers were answered!  lol


@Sugipine, please be careful out there clearing off that satellite dish. 

* Freedom has a taste the protected will never know *
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We're just glad poor Amarillo, Tx area got rain ! not just skiff of snow we actually got RAIN !   Dreary skies, cloudy ! It's wonderful !



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It's done already! Woman Very Happy Thanks! @pitdakota 

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Albuquerque got wind, just wind, although it did get cloudy about 10am.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Ty but you know I jinxed myself! It is snowing so hard now. lol. I had second thoughts about posting that sign but NNNNOOOOOO I had to do

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Registered: ‎07-17-2020

Well I'm glad you're happy about that. You needed the moisture?

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Registered: ‎07-17-2020

Lucky duck! I opened my mouth too soon! Huge snowflakes are coming down!