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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

Capodimonte.  I had this exact one (and more).  It is now selling on eBay for $3400 OMW!

Auth Capodimonte Porcelain Footed Floral Basket Centerpiece Italy XL Flower MCM - Picture 1 of 24

I had this one or one very similar.  On

Bay for $800

Capodimonte Exquisite Vintage Porcelain Large pitcher vase 15 3/4" TALL - Picture 1 of 6


I had more pieces but can't quickly find them right now.

My formal living room is now the dining room.  We don't '

have a formal living room anymore but do have a large

cowboy chic den Smiley Happy


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Posts: 21,800
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.



I just did a Google image search for the horses.  Sooo pretty!  I love them!

Limited Edition Rain Dancer Painted Pony Figurine

The Trail of Painted Ponies — Tis the Season de Mesilla

Trail of Painted Ponies A Gift from the Sea

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Posts: 74,457
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

@monicakm.  The original Painted Ponies were life size fiberglass horses given to chosen professional artists to paint as they wished.


They had an exhibit of them on Sunday in Santa Fe.  My mom and I drove up just to see them (she died in 2003) and they were very nice.  There were only 2 poses in the originals, which were miniaturized, and none of your pictures are the poses.


I have about 25 of them and no place to put them.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

 Yes the younger generation (my kids are 29 and 25) are now "minimalists"  They have no interest in our collectibles. They spend too much money buying coffee at Starbucks. I have a beautiful Royal Doltan Country Roses set that was my mother's.  I use it on Christmas day but I don't think either child will be fighting over it later.

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Posts: 21,800
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.



I don't know if you are interested in getting rid of them or not but I read a tip several years ago posing and taking pictures of your collection so that you still have them but don't have the clutter 

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Posts: 17,127
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

I will admit I did not read the whole thread ButI have many of my late Moms Hummels and Yardos and a line Hummel had called Bluemenkinder.I also have several Boyds bears. I do not care what they are worth to me they are priceless

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Registered: ‎06-03-2018

Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

Years ago I collected the miniature crystal figurines. Several I bought on QVC but mostly in stores and of course everyone would gift one to me for occasions. They really are beautiful and I have kept them, but just in a back bedroom now in a glass tabletop display case. The grandkids always ask to look at them, so that is really the main reason I have kept them. No more collectibles for me anymore!!