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Years ago, QVC sold this collapsible storage unit (metal frame with cloth bins) that you just pulled up and it snapped into place. And you could place it either vertically or horizontally. If anybody remembers this item, would you perhaps remember the brand? Thanks!
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Re: Collapsible storage

[ Edited ]

@NiteStar  I don't know if you are thinking of Origami but that's the one that QVC has.

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@NiteStar.  Have you checked Amazon and Wayfair?  They have quite a selection of storage solutions.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Do you mean cloth storage boxes with metal interior frames? 

If so there's Periea, Honey-Can-Do, Tidy & Co., Sorbus.

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I have checked both Wayfair and Amazon and don’t see it and I know if I saw or heard the name I would remember it so I know it’s not honey can do or tidy & Company or Periea. I actually might be origami! I know they no longer carry it because I went through every storage thing on the QVC website and it was years ago that they carried it. Thank you everyone for your replies, and suggestions!
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Actually, I don’t think it’s origami because origami is mostly just metal and this is cloth with a metal frame. I actually have one and I want another one, but there is no brand-name anywhere on it. LOL. Is there a way to upload a picture to a post here?
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If your talking about metal storage rack I think QVC use to sell items similar to Origami but believe that company was Pop-It.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Pop-it…. I think that’s it! Or, at least that name sure sounds familiar. LOL
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Okay… I googled pop it and didn’t see anything that looks like what I have. All I could find on pop it was all metal. That name sure sounded familiar and maybe that was it and they don’t even manufacture it anymore.