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Re: Clothing storage, blanket storage

I get some of my storage bags from amazon ,also under my bed is  fairly full with zipper bags,never had the tsv type though, i have hand made quilts from many years ago ,i want to find large bags to keep them in.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Clothing storage, blanket storage

As nice as the TSV is, you still need the space to store them--I don't have ANY space like that. I moved from a 2000 sq ft house into a 930 sq ft apartment--I had to get rid of tons of things to do that , including clothing, shoes and the like--So my wardrobe is bare minimum--what comes in new, I try to toss out 2 items--so I don't buy much. but I do use vacuum seal bags  that I can store under my bed. Put mostly extra bedding or towels or wintertime outerwear and warm weather clothing. . Got them from AMZ . 

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Re: Clothing storage, blanket storage

Got closets but never enough.  When daughters moved out I took over the space, with mostly my square dance attire.  Now that square dance attire is no longer the norm I have been  s l o w l y getting rid of stuff but not fast enough, sentimental me.  And then there is the closet with our real clothes in that is jam packed.  I am in the process of looking at that as well.  But it is a slow go.  


The storage container really really would not help since they  also take up space.  Not interested in using my garage for clothing.  



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Re: Clothing storage, blanket storage

I'm still struggling with my boots and winter coats/jackets. I have way too many of each and I need another house just to store all of it...well, at least another garage so I can put my stuff in!

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Re: Clothing storage, blanket storage

[ Edited ]

I get 50 gal storage containers from walmart.  I fold hung clothes in half and put them in the container which I label like labled drawers.  I keep them in the basement.


Sterilite 50 Gallon Plastic Stacker Tote, Stadium Blue, Adult, 2 Piece



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Re: Clothing storage, blanket storage

I use Tidy and Co boxes I purchased over a year ago on here.  Just like todays' special.

They are great boxes, I use them in my walk in closet for my Irish sweaters, extra quilts and throws.  Keeps everything clean and organized, I love them.

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Re: Clothing storage, blanket storage

I use my walk in closet and my hope chest.

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Re: Clothing storage, blanket storage

@goldensrbest wrote:

Seeing the tsv today, got me to wanting to ask for items you do not want to give up, clothing is so expensive as every thing is ,







"what types of storage containers do you use"





I call ours closets and cabinets.


hckynut 🇺🇸


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Re: Clothing storage, blanket storage

@Desertdi wrote:

I use storage benches...and you can use them for extra seating...


Me too. I have one in each room and my large living room ottoman opens for storage.  I keep the off season comforter in there.

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Re: Clothing storage, blanket storage

I have a linen closet that holds towels, pillows, extra quilts, and the one blanket for our bed that is stored in there over the summer.   


I hate to spend money on clothes, so what I own fits in my 6 drawer dresser.  The 10 items I have on hangers are stored in my husbands closet.  

My closet is full of Rubbermaid totes that hold drapes, space bags with those couch pillows I hate, and the bedspread I use in the summer.