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Classic Film Fans: Favorite Supporting Actress

I know that many of us are Classic Film fans, so after the Oscars last week I thought about this list: Favorite Supporting Actress performances that still elicit an emotional response from me, no matter how many times I've seen the film. These are mostly old, classic films. Give your viewpoint, agree, disagree or add a name even from a newer film

I've picked five since that's what the Academy does. If you haven't seen some of these and like old movies, I recommend them! I have more, but these are my favorites.

Agnes Moorehead: The Magnificent Ambersons. The scene by the cold water heater is unreal.

Claire Trevor: Key Largo. Her big scene makes me tear up every time.

Betty Field: King's Row. The "mad" scene with Robert Cummings at the lake also chokes me up.

Patricia Collinge: The Little Foxes. Every scene she is in, especially when she tells Teresa Wright not to like her.

Janet Leigh: Psycho. I think this is the best short role in film history. When she meets Norman at the motel, the acting is great.

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Re: Classic Film Fans: Favorite Supporting Actress

I enjoyed Agnes Morehead in "Dark Passage." Haven't seen her in the one you mention.

Claire Trevor in "Key Largo," did you know that scene where she is "singing" was based on Bogart's wife before Bacall - Mayo Methot?

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Re: Classic Film Fans: Favorite Supporting Actress

I'm trying to watch at least two old movies a week so I'm going to request some of those you mentioned from my library. Keep in mind I only knew Agnes Morehead from the TV show "Bewitched" so I was surprised to see her in some of the movies I'm watching. As a kid, I had no idea she was a famous actress. Can't imagine why she would have considered playing a wise cracking witch on a 60's TV show unless she needed the money.

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Re: Classic Film Fans: Favorite Supporting Actress

Patricia Hitchcock in ""Strangers on a Train."" (Alfred Hitchcock's daughter)

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Re: Classic Film Fans: Favorite Supporting Actress

YorkieonmyPillow: I did read that somewhere, maybe in a Bogart bio. I recommend Agnes in Magnificent Ambersons highly.

AuntG: glad I could help with recommendations. Agnes M said she loved the paycheck from steady TV work, but secretly wished people knew she had an entire film career before Bewitched.

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Re: Classic Film Fans: Favorite Supporting Actress

I love the classic movies. Some favorite SAs from more recent films: Eli Wallach in 'The Misfits'. Dean Martin in 'Some Came Running'.

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Re: Classic Film Fans: Favorite Supporting Actress

I love Eli Wallach - agree he was excellent in The Misfits.

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Re: Classic Film Fans: Favorite Supporting Actress

eve arden and ann blyth......both in MILDRED of the movies in my all time favorites top ten list. if you have not seen it it is a MUST. loved the remake that they did for television also.

eve arden provided such great comeback lines and was a nice comic relief in the film.

ann blyth was just wonderful at being a "witch"......sweet looking on the outside, but such evil and ingrate in the inside.

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Re: Classic Film Fans: Favorite Supporting Actress

Ruth Hussey in Cukor's _Philadelphia Story_. James Stewart's love-interest, wistful but resigned. She got an Oscar nomination.

Jean Dixon in Cukor's "Holiday" (I think it's a Cukor movie). She plays Susan Elliott Potter, a celebrated classicist, married in the film to Everett Horton's Professor Potter. They are at a fancy party on 5th Avenue because their young friend, Cary Grant, is marrying a socialite. Sample dialogue: Susan to the butler letting them in: "Don't tell anyone, but I've got a run in my stocking."

Edward Everett Horton (Prof. Nick Potter): Good heavens, we're ruined. [to the butler] Not a word of this to a soul.

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Re: Classic Film Fans: Favorite Supporting Actress

Hitchcock's "Rebecca" is one of my all-time favorties.

Judith Anderson played the evil, Mrs. Danvers. She was amazing in that role. Very creepy.

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