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For three years, my 9 yr old great nephew puts his wish list on Amazon and several of us can look at it and order from it.  Makes like easier especially those old us on limited income.



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Re: Christmas Lists

[ Edited ]

We were also raised to be polite and mindful about the expense, and to not be greedy and over ask.


I blame Tik Tok and peer pressure too.  A certain teenager we know has a $700 camera a $170 pair of light colored Ugg boots on her list and she's very specific.  Knockoffs are unacceptable.  She's getting neither from us.  She probably won't like our gift because I chose what to give her.  Well part of it is a gift card so she'll like that. 🙄

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@Carmie wrote:

Christmas is no longer recognizable.  It's become a horrible gift grab occasion and money maker for businesses.


Maybe, just maybe, we will all come to our senses and celebrate the true meaning.





Hasn't it always been that way?

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    With grown adopted grand kids a 17 year old granddaughter and 5 great grandkids who don't know me because they live in States far away I put money in their savings accounts for birthdays and Christmas. 
      I've had no complaints, shop only for the local one to have something open at Christmas and save on postage. 
            🏦  💵

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@rms1954   Not at my house when growing up.  We were never encouraged to make lists or ask for things.


Our Christmas's were wonderful....more about family, food, church pageants.  Yes, we got gifts, but not many.


We had everything we needed.

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Re: Christmas Lists

[ Edited ]

My husband came from a HUGE family.    His relatives ALL expected gifts from me (even after he died).   


Some of these "requests" were for  kindergarten graduations for great-grand nieces and nephews.


I had to have a job to make ends meet for MYSELF...and I put an end to the gifting.    (They don't speak to me any more, either.)


Edited to add:

I live in Phoenix, and all these "relatives" live in New York.   I've never even met them...


♥Surface of the Sun♥
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It's all how you are raised. I was an only child and I got gifts galore, it was magical. However I was not spoiled and was taught to be grateful and not take anything for granted. As an adult one of my great joys is selecting the perfect gift, and I'm told I'm good at it. Last year the daughter of a good friend  wrote a note on my Christmas card saying how they always looked forward to my gifts as they were just what they wanted.  My mom love Christmas and probably went overboard sometimes, but the values she taught me balanced out the bounty.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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I would suggest they shop around for a new godmother.

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@QVCkitty1 wrote:

It's all how you are raised. I was an only child and I got gifts galore, it was magical. However I was not spoiled and was taught to be grateful and not take anything for granted. As an adult one of my great joys is selecting the perfect gift, and I'm told I'm good at it. Last year the daughter of a good friend  wrote a note on my Christmas card saying how they always looked forward to my gifts as they were just what they wanted.  My mom love Christmas and probably went overboard sometimes, but the values she taught me balanced out the bounty.

@QVCkitty1  I completely identify with your very happy history, your indulgent but wise mother, and your received values.

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When I was little, I marked up the Sears Wish Book with tons of items circles.

I just marked everything I liked. I certainly didn’t expect to get all or even most of it.