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Re: Chick Fil A stopped selling salads

Quite a few places are pulling salads.  Since the affected lettuce isn't always known right away, better for them to be proactive and avoid customers becoming ill.


We know this batch came from one area;  but often it takes the illness to show up before it is determined where the tainted lettuce came from.


I don't see the problem with removing salads.  There have been just too many incidences of tainted romaine lettuce.


Nobody is getting hysterical, either.  A rather unfair accusation.


If you want to eat the lettuce, then eat it.


If you don't want to eat tettuce, then don't eat it.


Personal decision are not going to affect anybody else.



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Re: Chick Fil A stopped selling salads

@gidgetgh wrote:

@CelticCrafter wrote:

OMG, who cares about the nutritional value or lack thereof in iceberg lettuce.


Sometimes someone may want salad and iceberg maybe all that's available.  It's better than nothing.

@CelticCrafter - I agree. I don't even like romaine so the recalls don't affect me at all (but I feel for those who do like romaine) but now we're going to analyze the very BEST lettuce nutritionally for a salad?  It's a salad. Any kind of lettuce is good.  Eat what you enjoy.  It's better than making a salad with a base of tostitos or something. 

Actually, when you look at "salad" with all the stuff people and restaurants now load on them, it is often a huge source of calories and fats.


Give me a good small steak, a cooked green veggie (cooked with no sauce or butter or bacon), and half a potato (sweet or white) and some salt and I'm all in for a good meal. 


I have never been a huge fan of salad. 

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Re: Chick Fil A stopped selling salads

It's Romaine from CA.  Restaurants and stores are just staying way from all Romaine lettuce for the time being.  Chic Fil A could have done that too.







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Re: Chick Fil A stopped selling salads

@Lucky Charm wrote:

I don't think iceberg lettuce has any nutritional value.  At least not as much as a darker or red leaf variety.  If it came to it, I would eat a salad without lettuce.


I eat all my salads without lettuce anyway.  I'd rather eat the veggies that have more nutritional value.  


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Re: Chick Fil A stopped selling salads

After the last Romaine recall i no longer eat salads and don't really miss them. there are lots of other veggies to eat!

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Re: Chick Fil A stopped selling salads

Iceberg does have nutrional value but one reason I stopped buying it and washing my own and there was a dead grasshopper inside of it.....ARRGGHHH!!!!  And PLEASE no comments about enjoy the extra protein ......Smiley Wink Thats when I stopped buying iceberg and bought the pre-washed lettuce and I still wash it....




A co-worker said that happened to her too...

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Re: Chick Fil A stopped selling salads

@Lucky Charm wrote:

I don't think iceberg lettuce has any nutritional value.  At least not as much as a darker or red leaf variety.  If it came to it, I would eat a salad without lettuce.

You are correct.  Iceberg lettuce does not have a large amount of nutritional value.  The darker green,  the better it is.  Iceberg lettuce is barely green.  


We got hit hard by the E Coli bacteria in the romaine lettuce in our state.  About the only lettuce available is the iceberg in supermarkets.  The infection is so widespread, it might take weeks to get any dark lettuce back in.

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Re: Chick Fil A stopped selling salads

I think a reason so many restaurants/fast food use Romaine is that it holds up well and stays crunchy in salads, etc.  I just bought butter lettuce at Costco which is my favorite anyway.  

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Re: Chick Fil A stopped selling salads

@Jinlei wrote:

What do people do cra- on everything that is growing in the ground?  I will,never eat salad again.  The big e-coli monster.

I think the main problem's are wild hogs and Cali. not being able to kill the hogs are trap them?


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Re: Chick Fil A stopped selling salads

@Susan Louise 



Wow! That is impressive! I eat A LOT of salads, but am not quite ready to try that. I admire the fact that you do.😊



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