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Re: Chaz Dean (Wen) Being Sued For Hair Loss

@vermint wrote:

@Keels3229 - What Chaz SAYS for people with long hair, is to work in 4 pumps crown to mid-shaft and then 4 pumps mid-shaft to ends, rather than plop 8 pumps on the top of their head and try to work it all the way down! So that is 8 PUMPS PER CLEANSE.


In the 32 oz. size the no. of pumps is 16 to 24 pumps are recommended for longer/thicker hair. If you split that in half as recommended on the bottle, that's 8 to 12 pumps PER CLEANSE.


In the 16 oz. size the  no. of pumps is 20 - 40 for  longer/thicker hair. So that's still 10 to 20 pumps per cleanse.


The poster said she has LONG hair, so those are the numbers I used.

@vermint some people are probably using common core math to determine how many pumps, of Wen, to use.

☀️...And I think to myself what a Wenderful world.☀️
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Re: Chaz Dean (Wen) Being Sued For Hair Loss

Wen is NOT a depilatory.  

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Re: Chaz Dean (Wen) Being Sued For Hair Loss

I think this is just another commentary about the crazys in our society who think lawsuits are a remedy for anything they don't like...  I can't believe this can become such a big story when there is no proof whatsoever that Wen had anything to do with the hair loss.  Kind of makes you wonder if the giant companies who produce chemical filled shampoos aren't behind this.  There may very well be people who are allergic to something in some or one of the products....that's true of anything.  But I have been using Wen for many, many years and won't use anything else.  I'm 65 years old and my hair has never been healtheir.   I am sorry Chaz, that you are having to go through this.  But keep the faith...I;m sure you will be exonerated, though that probably won't get as much press.  There are millions of us Wen Girls out there who will continue to support you and buy your products.

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Re: Chaz Dean (Wen) Being Sued For Hair Loss

I LOVE WEN! I haven't had any issues with it and I will continue to use it. 

To each is own. 

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Re: Chaz Dean (Wen) Being Sued For Hair Loss

I heard this morning that's it's not a few cases but more than 200! That being said, I use WEN here and there, don't think it lives up to all the hype, but I have never had a problem. Doesn't mean no one has. I would hope that if these cases prove to be the fault of the CC, that Chaz Dean does step up to the plate and compensate these people in some way. That's just my opinion.
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Re: Chaz Dean (Wen) Being Sued For Hair Loss

I just saw this on NBC and on  I have been using wen for over a year and have noticed significant hair loss especially these last 6 months.  I lose handfuls in the shower and another handful after brushing each time!  I am 32 and never would I imagine that I would be losing my hair at this age!  I even started taking biotin supplements!  After seeing it on the news, it all makes sense now!  I will be cancelling my auto delivery of wen!

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Re: Chaz Dean (Wen) Being Sued For Hair Loss

@Mommyteacher wrote:

I just saw this on NBC and on  I have been using wen for over a year and have noticed significant hair loss especially these last 6 months.  I lose handfuls in the shower and another handful after brushing each time!  I am 32 and never would I imagine that I would be losing my hair at this age!  I even started taking biotin supplements!  After seeing it on the news, it all makes sense now!  I will be cancelling my auto delivery of wen!

Why did you keep using it if your hair was falling out?

_____ ,,,^ ._. ^,,,_____
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Re: Chaz Dean (Wen) Being Sued For Hair Loss

[ Edited ]

The women in the class action suit are few compared to most suits.  A couple Doctors commenting  on  the suit mentioned it would be hard to prove it was the WEN since hair loss has dozens and dozens of reasons. To pin point WEN as the exact culprit would be difficult.   Health, medication, depression,  disease onset, etc are contributing factors. I imagine every aspect of their lives would be scrutinized for the suit.   The women in the suit DID ask for a settlement, rather than going to court because of this issue.  I hope he doesn't settle. I would like to see this ongoing  argument settled.   But it would be an expensive, trial..for both sides. I can guarantee they all will lose more hair before it is over.  What we need to take in is, that the law suit was filed.  Filing is just an initial step, it is not the final answer..  Then there is a preliminary to see if the case even has merit. It takes years sometimes!


I am not a WEN fanatic, but I do use it  with another shampoo.I love what it does for me in conjuntion with other products.  I would never say, hair loss from WEN cannot happen. However, there are a lot of reasons for any hair loss. .  I have  taught trichology( along time ago) .  I have pretty good  understanding of the hair and scalp and how it works. I have had 2 sudden hair loss episodes, and one episode that had intense shedding for over a year, and reduced hair density by almost 1/2. It is upsetting, painful and very stressful.  Hair is a crowning glory and a vanity for almost everyone I think


Alopecia can have a sudden onset

also some contributing factors to hair loss (sudden, or residual) can be


allergenic reaction to an ingredient in hair product, or topical

high blood pressure and meds for high blood pressure

low blood pressure


thyroid issues

onset of thyroid nodules is a biggie for sudden, short term hair loss




menopause and hormonal issues

short term illness virus

 high  fever




most any antidepressant

over exposure to chlorine ( some swimmers get this)

some hair sprays, especially with lacquers

hair tint, bleach

over processing of hair due to perms, hot irons

shock, accident (causes blood supply to follicles to cease for a few minutes)

even loosing a loved one causes blood to follicles to stop temporarily.

and I can go on....


Unless it is a sudden allergenic reaction, many of the above, especially the 3 S's, Shock, Surgery and Stress take 6 weeks to 3 or more months from event to when hair loss starts.  With surgery and shock when it happens the event will be traumatic.  The reacting hair comes out all most at once.  Yikes


Everything I mentioned is not definative.




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Re: Chaz Dean (Wen) Being Sued For Hair Loss

@Jackie6 wrote:
I heard this morning that's it's not a few cases but more than 200! That being said, I use WEN here and there, don't think it lives up to all the hype, but I have never had a problem. Doesn't mean no one has. I would hope that if these cases prove to be the fault of the CC, that Chaz Dean does step up to the plate and compensate these people in some way. That's just my opinion.

You can add me and make that 201!


But I stopped using it and no more hair loss. I would never bother suing over something like this. It's not life threatening.

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Re: Chaz Dean (Wen) Being Sued For Hair Loss

@The Monkey on My Back wrote:

@Mommyteacher wrote:

I just saw this on NBC and on  I have been using wen for over a year and have noticed significant hair loss especially these last 6 months.  I lose handfuls in the shower and another handful after brushing each time!  I am 32 and never would I imagine that I would be losing my hair at this age!  I even started taking biotin supplements!  After seeing it on the news, it all makes sense now!  I will be cancelling my auto delivery of wen!

Why did you keep using it if your hair was falling out?

I kept using it not realizing it could be the product because it was "all natural". I was frightened the first time I cleaned my shower drain and was amassed at how much hair I had lost in the shower. I'm including a quote from a post which I just made under another blog title.


"I had no idea this was aired on TV... I just stumbled across an article and came here to learn if anyone else has had issues with the product. I'm not a hater, I love Chaz and been using WEN since 2011. I have 2 gallon bottles in my shower. BUT I have to admit I've haven't gotten the results like the QVC models; but stuck with the product because its "all natural". I've been having hair loss, thinning and breakage; and was wondering why my hair felt better after I left my stylist. I was only seeing him once every two months because he WOULDN'T use the WEN. The Tea Tree gave my scalp a burning rash so I stopped using it and gave it away. In any case, I'm switching to Nick Chavez for a while to see if I notice a difference."