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Re: Century Link Door-to-Door Solicitors

CenturyLink came knocking, twice. The pretext was how satisfactory was my internet service but they really wanted to sell me phone and TV services. I said no twice and mentioned to the sales person that he had come twice, I said no twice, and not to appear again. This is not the day and age for strangers to be knocking at doors as a sales technique. It was daytime and in both cases I had my neighbor in his front yard looking out for me, so I felt safer (i could see him from my window). Otherwise I would not have opened my door. I am calling century link tomorrow to complain, whatever good that will do.

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Re: Century Link Door-to-Door Solicitors

I would NEVER open the door if I didn't know who was there and no one else should either.  I can see out a window to the front porch, but my previous house I could not - so I had an Aiphone installed.  It's not being paranoid, just smart this day and age. Smiley Happy

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Re: Century Link Door-to-Door Solicitors

They are also in CO.  I live in an extremely secure apt & we cannot even "Buzz"  the entrance door open.  We have to go to the entrance to let our visitors in.  During the day, mgmt does not allow solicitors in.  Additionally, we can only use Comcast.  I know that last issue sounds restrictive, but I really don't mind much.  I'm on the verge of canceling cable anyway.  Century Link & Direct TV air a lot of awful commercials on tv here.

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Re: Century Link Door-to-Door Solicitors

I won't open my door for anyone I don't know.


I don't care if they see a light on, hear the television or radio or even see me sitting by the window.



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Re: Century Link Door-to-Door Solicitors

Yuk that sounds horrible


I know that some of the readers of this board are not big on social media, but a good way to complain to a company is via Twitter or their Facebook pages.  Gets more attention than calls to a call center.



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Re: Century Link Door-to-Door Solicitors

 #SF GIRL    I had the same situation a few weeks ago  with to guys coming to the door.... I pointed to the NO SOLICITORS sign and asked if they could read since it was right above the door bell THEY RANG.... IF I want to upgrade or change anything I WILL CALL THE COMPANY. I will not change things, buy things  or order things from some idiot who can not read bothering me at dinnertime. 

@SF Girl wrote:

Right during the dinner hour tonight, two Century Link sales people were going door to door in my neighborhood trying to sell their products.  


We have a sign that says "No Solicitations," but they don't care.   They think going around after hours is "smart" to get people who are home, but it just makes people mad. It's interrupting and when it gets dark, I don't like to answer my door for anyone.   


One of my neighbors, who was putting her garbage out the same time I was, came over to me and said she was upset too by the interruption and the sickening and pushy sales pitch.   She thought the lady who did all the talking was "high."   


They must send me tons of ads in my mail every day, not to mention the endless TV campaigns.   They must not be doing so well selling their Prism products.




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Re: Century Link Door-to-Door Solicitors

Pushy salespeople-- if there were such a thing as a Bucket List For Annoying Things I Would Eliminate lf I Could, those would be near the top of my list.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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Re: Century Link Door-to-Door Solicitors

@CelticCrafter wrote:

I won't open my door for anyone I don't know.


I don't care if they see a light on, hear the television or radio or even see me sitting by the window.



so funny the last time there was a door-to-door person on our street, my husband turned off the lights so they would think there was no-one home and not be rude.

I told him that we can choose who to answer the door or not.

Men are simple things

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Re: Century Link Door-to-Door Solicitors

CenturyLink is our home phone provider in our area as well.  We've never had them show up to our house though. 


I always answer my door when someone knocks.  I want them to know someone is home.  There have been issues in my city with people going around and knocking on doors and if no one answers, they break-in the home. 

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Century Link Door-to-Door Solicitors

 I live in Kansas and we do have Century Link phones and internet.  I had NO IDEA they went door to door.  I am fairly sure they don't do that in our area.  I've never heard of them doing it anyway.  Yea, that is annoying!