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Caffeine-free soft drink shortage

I drink caffeine-free diet Dr Pepper and am down to my last 4 cans.  I cannot find it anywhere.  I've checked H-E-B (large local Texas grocery stores), Lowe's Market (local Texas small grocery stores), Walmart, Dollar General, etc.  It is nowhere to be found.   


I finally asked and was told caffeine-free is not available due to "the crisis."  What the heck does caffeine-free have to do with the crisis?


I know, I know...this isn't important in the grand scheme of things, but my anxiety is high enough as it is, and they want me hopped up on caffeine? 


Oh...I did find a 12-pack on Amazon for almost $40.  


Smiley LOL

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Re: Caffeine-free soft drink shortage

Many of the large food/beverage companies are only producing their most popular products right now.  They are still working with limited capacities.  

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Re: Caffeine-free soft drink shortage

@MamaWick   Hang in there!


I'm a huge diet coke lover here, but I limiit myself to one with caffeine per day (I'm hyper/anxious enough). Today was the first time I have been able to get CF Diet Coke in cans from my Instacart order. First time since March! I have been able to find CF Diet Cokes in bottles here and there, but zero cans. Very excited today!

Whatever gets you through the night; it's alright, it's alright. It's your money or your life; it's alright, it's alright---John Lennon
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Re: Caffeine-free soft drink shortage

@MamaWick Diet-caffeine free can be found in cans here but I've learned to always check expiration dates. They are usually not as good as regular drinks. 
 I drink more flavored water from Aldi now. 

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Re: Caffeine-free soft drink shortage

Glad I stopped drinking soda.  I just drink water now and do not miss it.

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Re: Caffeine-free soft drink shortage

Very interesting.  I don't drink a lot of soft drinks but when I do it's caffeine-free types.  I usually have on hand some Diet 7-up, Diet Ginger Ale, and Diet Squirt.   I used to sometimes drink Diet Coke but haven't for years.  I also like Diet Dr Pepper but that one has caffeine.  I didn't even know they made a CF one.


Hopefully, these things start being stocked again.  I've done fairly well with things I want at the grocery store.  For some reason the Lean Cuisines have not been very consistently stocked and when I was at the store the other day I wasn't even able to get one of the ones I like.  Smiley Sad  I don't use them every day but I have a few favs that I like to have in the freezer for now and then.


Also cannot seem to get hydrogen peroxide.  Funny how some of the things like that that I have always had on hand are now sparce.  Well, not exactly funny but you know...  Smiley Happy

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Re: Caffeine-free soft drink shortage

I quit drinking sugar free caffeine free canned  soda in 2013.


 Now, I make a big pot of herbal tea...caffeine free... sweetened with monk Fruit( no sugar natural sweetener) I brew enough for about 5 days each time.  Much healthier and very inexpensive. Tastes great! Drink it hot and cold. 


I use to drink about 6 to 8 cans of sugar free soda a day! Way too much!

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Re: Caffeine-free soft drink shortage

i just wanted to say that i hope you find your dr. pepper soon @MamaWick 

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Re: Caffeine-free soft drink shortage


Hi there @MamaWick 


I didn't perceive you to be an anxious person. Must be some things of which I am not aware. Does have to be only Dr. Pepper? 


Will have C check our stores and see if it's on the shelves around here. I quit all soda decades ago, and C a few years ago.


Let me know if we can help.




hckynut 🏒

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Re: Caffeine-free soft drink shortage

[ Edited ]


@chickenbutt wrote:

Very interesting.  I don't drink a lot of soft drinks but when I do it's caffeine-free types.  I usually have on hand some Diet 7-up, Diet Ginger Ale, and Diet Squirt.   I used to sometimes drink Diet Coke but haven't for years.  I also like Diet Dr Pepper but that one has caffeine.  I didn't even know they made a CF one.


Hopefully, these things start being stocked again.  I've done fairly well with things I want at the grocery store.  For some reason the Lean Cuisines have not been very consistently stocked and when I was at the store the other day I wasn't even able to get one of the ones I like.  Smiley Sad  I don't use them every day but I have a few favs that I like to have in the freezer for now and then.


Also cannot seem to get hydrogen peroxide.  Funny how some of the things like that that I have always had on hand are now sparce.  Well, not exactly funny but you know...  Smiley Happy


@MamaWick, try a diet root beer to see if that would be a good substitute for you.  I get the A&W brand.  I used to drink diet Dr Pepper.