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Just curious .... he's now serving time in a Nevada jail .... does anyone know how long he'll be in jail for?

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I still believe Jason Simpson was there that night, yet another avenue law enforcement never pursued.

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@SydneyH wrote:

I still believe Jason Simpson was there that night, yet another avenue law enforcement never pursued.

I don't believe that. For OJ To involve his son in a BRUTAL murder of 2 innocent people proves what a disgusting lowlife s**mb*g he is.

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Karma got OJ and he has to sit In a cell  block anyhow.He knows what he did and someday he will have to answer to Nicole and the highest power.

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Re: CNN Special Report

[ Edited ]

@dex wrote:

Karma got OJ and he has to sit In a cell  block anyhow.He knows what he did and someday he will have to answer to Nicole and the highest power.

 I hope he spends MANY more years in prison.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I watched this trial in real time when it occurred.


Not only do I believe he is guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt," but beyond ALL doubt.


That verdict was a miscarriage of justice for the victims.


A & E is doing a special on the civil trial.  His friend from the Bronco knows he did it.  He knew OJ was abusing Nicole.  Mr. Kardashian knew he did it.


I think if the trial were held today, he'd be easily convicted. DNA science was new and not entirely understood or trusted like it is now.  People have been convicted on a tiny speck of blood, much less all they had in various places.


The A & E show is really interesting, because OJ couldn't refuse to testify.  They caught him in multiple lies and misstatements.  He was arrogant on the stand.  It shows him from a WAY different perspective.


He murdered 2 people, and karma got him in this case.



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Registered: ‎04-27-2015

@hyacinth003 wrote:

I watched this trial in real time when it occurred.


Not only do I believe he is guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt," but beyond ALL doubt.


That verdict was a miscarriage of justice for the victims.


A & E is doing a special on the civil trial.  His friend from the Bronco knows he did it.  He knew OJ was abusing Nicole.  Mr. Kardashian knew he did it.


I think if the trial were held today, he'd be easily convicted. DNA science was new and not entirely understood or trusted like it is now.  People have been convicted on a tiny speck of blood, much less all they had in various places.


The A & E show is really interesting, because OJ couldn't refuse to testify.  They caught him in multiple lies and misstatementsHe was arrogant on the stand.  It shows him from a WAY different perspective.


He murdered 2 people, and karma got him in this case.



 EXCELLENT comments. RK was a TOTAL s**mb*g for defending him. He got his KARMA, too. He's DEAD. No loss.

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Johnnie Cochran is deceased also.  I believe someone else has died also, but can't remember who.



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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

If you believe in karma, Robert Shapiro's son committed suicide since the trial also.



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Registered: ‎04-21-2013

I haven't read the whole thread but remember the bloody footprint?


And the special shoes? Very expensive, specially ordered shoes in his size. Think the name began with a "B".


I was shocked at the verdict but also the prosecutors did a terrible job.