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@keithsmom65 wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:


I've seen a few comments here and there that people are surprised that Whoopi Goldberg is still neutral about the whole Cosby mess.  


 I bet Whoopi and Camille have been friends for decades.     They're about the same age .... I'm sure they know each other quite well.





Once again you make statements that are simply untrue. Why don't you check your facts before spouting information so people can believe you ?


What in the world would make you think Whoopi and Camille are near the same age or friends? Whoopie is much younger and they aren't buddies. Easy to substanciate.


BTW, Whoopi is by no means neutral about Cosby. Don't you watch her on the View and other formats? She is quite outspoken

and enraged about the women he "'allegedly" seduced !


I absolutely don't know where you get half of the information you post, but I keep finding it in error and I have told you so. Please check out your facts so you can report correct information to all who are interested. 


(Saying you have "seen" a "few" comments "here and there"  isn't

exactly conclusive validation to go around saying things about people

that aren't fact.)



I have no idea what Tissyanne has to do with this, but I'll try to address  your comments.


First, I said  I  BET .... that means I was guessing this is a possibility, ok?  


Secondly, the couple times I've seen her on the View, she's been very neutral about the accusations towards Cosby.   Just how do you plan to substanciate just how close they are?  Are you going to telephone them both and ask?     There's no doubt they've known each other over the years and they are both Baby Boomers.    I didn't mean they were the EXACT same age ... I said they're "about the same age".    No need to split hairs ....  don't you understand what speculation is?


As for the "here and there" comment,  I meant  here on this message board.     There have been other Cosby threads posted,  and people have commented on Whoopi's saying she didn't necessarily believe the women.   No, I don't watch the View every day;  I was referring to other peoples' reactions to her comments.


Just to be clear here ..... I wasn't stating these as "facts" .......  I was SPECULATING and I thought that was pretty clear.    If not, I'm sorry.    You can relax now.


Tink  (not Tissyanne) 






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@NoelSeven wrote:

CB re:


One interesting thing that I saw on a headline (but didn't click on it to read it) indicated that Mr Cosby has a fetish for doing it with unconscious women.  It mentioned the name of that particular fetish but I don't recall what it was.    That would, obviously, fit in with the rest of it.  




Hi CB, Yes, I read that, also.


My thought is that surely Mr. Cosby knows there are people he could have contracted with to play that part, instead of using and drugging unsuspecting women.


He very well might have that fetish, but rape is about control and violence, not play acting a secksual fetish.

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Rape is a violation but not always violent.  If a woman says no or is unable to say no, the act is considered rape.


There are all kinds of control.  In some cases it could be control over whether or not someone gets a part.

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@betteb wrote:

@chickenbutt wrote:

Noel - Problem is, John doesn't care about reading what everybody else has to say.   He just says his bit and ignores evidence to the contrary.


As for Mrs Cosby - Of course none of us (presumably) know her and don't KNOW anything for fact.  It's all speculative and I haven't seen anything to indicate otherwise.


If I were to wager I would imagine that she DID know about the affairs because, well, who didn't!     I doubt if she knew about the rapings all along but it probably got to the point of so many accusations that she figured it out at some point.    She was probably trapped into that situation and just stayed.  The longer you stay the easier it is to stay.


But, then, I don't actually know anything for fact.


One interesting thing that I saw on a headline (but didn't click on it to read it) indicated that Mr Cosby has a fetish for doing it with unconscious women.  It mentioned the name of that particular fetish but I don't recall what it was.    That would, obviously, fit in with the rest of it.  


Chickebutt, I agree with pretty much everything you said about Mrs., But I think she knew what he was like, probably better than anyone, and may have just been relieved he wasn't at home doing it to her!


You know Cosby ran on the outskirts of the original "Brat Pack", with Sammy and his crew. Drugs, guns, gambling, illegal alcohol, prostitution, etc. They were bad actors and people were a little bit scared of them back then. 

For a considerable time, Cosby's best friend was Hugh Hefner ... and he spent a lot of time at the Playboy Mansion.

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@betteb wrote:

You know Cosby ran on the outskirts of the original "Brat Pack", with Sammy and his crew. Drugs, guns, gambling, illegal alcohol, prostitution, etc. They were bad actors and people were a little bit scared of them back then. 

Actually, "Sammy and his crew" were the RAT PACK.  Members were Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford, Joey Bishop and Buddy Greco.

Source:  Wikipedia

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It's not unusual for a woman to defend her husband, i.e.,  Tammy Wynette sang it and Hilary Clinton continues to live it.  "Stand By Your Man!"  Disturbing but true.

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@Lovethesea wrote:

It's not unusual for a woman to defend her husband, i.e.,  Tammy Wynette sang it and Hilary Clinton continues to live it.  "Stand By Your Man!"  Disturbing but true.


It's one thing to decide to stay in a marriage if the husband has cheated  (LOTS of women do) ,  but staying with a serial rapist (and a criminal) is a whole other ball of wax.

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@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Lovethesea wrote:

It's not unusual for a woman to defend her husband, i.e.,  Tammy Wynette sang it and Hilary Clinton continues to live it.  "Stand By Your Man!"  Disturbing but true.


It's one thing to decide to stay in a marriage if the husband has cheated  (LOTS of women do) ,  but staying with a serial rapist (and a criminal) is a whole other ball of wax.

It may be "a whole other ball of wax," but you do realize that many women meet and marry rapists/criminals who are in prison at the time of their meeting.

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@Lovethesea wrote:

@betteb wrote:

You know Cosby ran on the outskirts of the original "Brat Pack", with Sammy and his crew. Drugs, guns, gambling, illegal alcohol, prostitution, etc. They were bad actors and people were a little bit scared of them back then. 

Actually, "Sammy and his crew" were the RAT PACK.  Members were Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford, Joey Bishop and Buddy Greco.

Source:  Wikipedia


Well it was my understanding from an excerpt of a book about Frank Sinatra was that Sammy never felt/was a real member, because......well, I don't know how to say this without getting poofed...lets say because there were still establishments that did not welcome Sammy.


Also, Frank and Sammy had a falling out...something about a horsehead

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I understand what you are saying, Betteb.

Are you also saying that Sammy's original brat pack was not the rat pack??