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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

@151949 wrote:

@CelticCrafter wrote:

@qualitygal wrote:

I'm not thrilled by that article. Just feel like it's one more thing, that just says, we don't want you seniors around. I'm sitting tight right where I am. I put in my time, I deserve to set right where I want to. I'll quit there, or I'm sure I'll disappear.

That was my first thought too @qualitygal.  


Where would they like us to go, the garden shed out in the back yard?


No - the cemetery.

Actually an urn sitting on a shelf some where would take up even less space! Smiley Wink

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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

yes, an urn, on a shelf, in the house you left them with the mortgage you just paid off. 

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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

I would like to add my own observation. It's people who want to live in or near major cities who are clogging the real estate markets. Come up here to western and central NY. You'll find many homes to choose from and prices are low. Of course I'm kidding, but that baby boomer business is just plain silly. Everyone should have the right to purchase and remain in the home of his or her choice. If you can pay, you can stay.

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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

@SharkE wrote:

If you want to be looked down on try living in a mobile home.

We lived in a mobile home while we saved our money for a nice first home and people thought we were 'less then'. Now, those same people are washing my car.





@SharkE Ironically, I do taxes part time for a company during the crazy tax season.


There were 2 shocks to me of high income brackets the last 2 years of doing their taxes:


1.  A lawn care  business

 2. A family that washes and details cars for a living.  


No over head, all purchased items tax detectable as used in the process which leaves most money as clear cash in pocket.   6 digit figures for these 2 companies.  Nothing to sneeze at in my opinion.  Hopefully, the people that clean your car will grow this large also.  The car cleaning down our of a simple drive through car wash.  Life can be good in some businesses that do shock many.  

@SharkE wrote:

If you want to be looked down on try living in a mobile home.

We lived in a mobile home while we saved our money for a nice first home and people thought we were 'less then'. Now, those same people are washing my car.


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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

This thread was started 12/8, then it was gone and now it's back.  Just wondered if anyone noticed this.

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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

yeah, people like to dredge up old conversations that was volitile one more on the board today I noticed too. If they can't start a 'flame' they drege up a old 'flame'. Sick......

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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

[ Edited ]



Actually, Vivian, everyone DOES have the right to live wherever.  You are mistaking demographic study figures and reported trends for some kind of statement that people should take personally about their chosen lifestyle or preference.  Come on, now..........take the info for what it is........nothing but "data" derived statistically.

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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

@justmyopinion wrote:

@novamc1 wrote:

There are many sources of info about condo ownership on the internet.  Here is just one of them.....


If the roof blows off of a condo, it probably would be covered by the master insurance policy  of the condo development.  Subjects like that are covered in great detail in the "condo documents" that all owners must be provided before their contract to purchase becomes binding. 




Been there done that. Special assessments are put into place after a hurricane, fire and other calamities and the HOA squeezes every penny out of the homeowner to help fix and pay for the disaster.

Same goes for the elevators, common grounds, pool, tennis courts, etc. They break or need repair and the HOA dips into the reserve fund but not all condos are managed properly and keep a reserve fund so you get hit with the cost. You may own the inside of your condo but collectively the owners have to maintain the exterior with their maintenance fees.  Want the lobby redecorated? No problem. Special assessments galore. Many beachfront condos need concrete restoration and their balconies reinforced (due to salt corrosion).

Special assessments can cost the homeowner tens of thousands of dollars.



We have neighbors who moved out of their condo at the beach - a very expensive and exclusive property just because of the assessments every year. They said the management would not use the contingency funds for fear of a hurricane in the future so every year they lived there they had thousands of dollars in assessments to keep up the property. They said the salt air and the sometimes high surf when there were storms out in the gulf caused a lot of damage.

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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

With all due respect to that economist who wrote the article, when people of ANY age buys a home, and they can afford it,  they should be able to stay in it as long as they d@mn well please .......  assuming that any generation should or will do as the previous one did is just plain ludicrous!

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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

Hi novamc. Yes, I understood the point of the article. That's why I called my own remarks kidding and silly. The problem as I saw is it that people can come to conclusions, erroneous or not, based on the statistical data. I know that correlation is not causation but the way that article was titled, it could be easy to assume that the old folks should move out and downsize.