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Where do you find the best prices on ,toilet paper,paper towels ,cleaning products?

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Re: Buying house hold products

Costco for paper towels, toilet paper and some cleaning products. Walmart or Target for the rest or if you don't want to buy jumbo quantity.

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Re: Buying house hold products

We get ours at BJ's Wholesale, it's just like Costco, which we don't have around here.

We buy the generic brands and the prices are really good.   I hope they can free that giant  freight ship blocking the Suez canal or we'll all be paying more for everything!

I always stay well stocked on paper goods, I had to help my adult kids out when there was not a roll of toilet papaer to be found!   

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Re: Buying house hold products

I seem to use a lot of paper towels so Sam's is the place I go.  The Members Mark brand individually wrapped (15) total . Great value compared to other brands.

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Re: Buying house hold products

I have gotten some pretty good deals at Dollar General, but I usually just order paper towels and cleaning supples from Sams or Wal Mart. When I had trouble finding paper towels a year ago, I ordered some microfiber cloths from Amazon, maybe some from QVC. I have too many honestly, but I use them to clean with instead of paper towels. This does save money over time. 


I do make my own glass cleaner, with a little lemon scented amonia and water in a spray bottle. 

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Re: Buying house hold products

Toilet paper, paper towels, & garbage bags from Sams and cleaning supplies from Walmart.

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Re: Buying house hold products

Definitely warehouse clubs; Costco, BJ's, Sam's Club, etc. Also, Walmart and Target. 

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Re: Buying house hold products

I don't have a Costco or Sam's Club close enough to me to warrant using one.  I find that Wal-Mart and Dollar General normally have the best prices.

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Re: Buying house hold products

My local grocery store, HEB has a good deal on household products, there's usually some coupons available for these items...

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Re: Buying house hold products
