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Re: Body of missing Ohio State University football player found.

His poor mother for having that last text forever on her mind, an apology for being who he was and for feeling he was an embarrassment. I cannot imagine the pain.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Body of missing Ohio State University football player found.

This is such a sad story. The minute I heard he was missing and text message he sent his mother, I knew there would not be a happy ending.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Body of missing Ohio State University football player found.

Terribly sad.

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Posts: 8,850
Registered: ‎06-10-2010

Re: Body of missing Ohio State University football player found.

This is so heartbreaking. We have a situation going on in my family that sounds somewhat similar. It is my nephew. My sister is not so sure she won't get that dreaded phone call any day now. His head injury came from an accident when he was a teen. He is in his 30's now. He is seeing a well know psychiatrist in our state who says he sees this kind of behavior in many people who have had head injuries. He says a lot of them are sports related. My nephew is not the person my sister remembers. He cries a lot and says he hates feeling this way. He has a lovely wife and 2 adorable small children. He is about to lose them and won't let himself be committed. He is mixing the 3 medications the doctor gave him with alcohol. My sister thought he was going to die a few nights ago but he came out of it. I'm not so sure that is what he was hoping for. It breaks my heart and I can't tell you what this is doing to his parents and the whole family. He was once the sweetest kid you could ever want to know. My heart goes out to this young mans family. They have been through a lot.