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Re: Blizzard for NYC and Boston

On 1/25/2015 straitgirl said:

Don't you get a big snowstorm every year? You'd think people would prepare. We get 2 ft easily at a time & the year before I moved here they got 4-5' & lost power for 10 days. You pick where you live.

Yes we do and I agree. Even without notice we could live for a week with the food we have on hand. Never understood the frantic stocking up of supplies. It's not like we will be isolated for a week. That being said I hope everyone stays smart and safe.

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Registered: ‎07-03-2013

Re: Blizzard for NYC and Boston

On 1/25/2015 LyndaGee said:

Lotus: Yes, we're in Southwestern CT. Looks like it's the 24 -36 inch zone. Yuk

My family is in Danbury. They hadn't heard about it turning into a huge storm as of this morning. They always lose power when the storms are big. After watching the weather channel tonight, I'll have to call my sister before I go to work and give her a list if things to do.