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Re: Bill and Giuliana Rancic surrogate has miscarriage

On 6/2/2014 missyw1 said:
On 6/2/2014 faeriemoon said:
On 6/2/2014 Preds said:
On 6/2/2014 happy housewife said:

Every child i know who is an only child says that it is the very best all around. They should be happy with the child they have. some of us could not even have one.

I'm an only and wanted siblings. My mother tried several times, but couldn't carry. She wanted a large family.

My DD is an only and wishes she had siblings, but there were none. Some onlies are happy and some wish things could be different. Some with sibs wish they had been an only.

Every person I know who is an only child wishes he/she had siblings. DH always wished he had a brother or sister.

The difficulty is also felt as parents get old and need help and there is only one child to care for them.

We shouldn't expect our child/children to take care of us. Have a back up plan.

I don't expect my child to take care of me, but I want her to be aware of what is going on and who is. That is a burden whether there is one or twelve.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: Bill and Giuliana Rancic surrogate has miscarriage

On 6/2/2014 faeriemoon said:

I really don't know much about either one of them, but I recall seeing Giulianna on the View when they were trying to conceive saying the doctors told her it would be helpful if she gained 5 lbs. She was unwilling to do this because of her career. This spoke volumes to me.

I saw her on a talk show and she said the doctor told her to gain 10 pounds. She was hesitant because she was in a business that was all about how you look.

Whether or not they want 1 baby or 5 babies is not my business. It is also none of my business how the baby is conceived or who carries it.

I've read that the husband has a girlfriend that is NOT hidden away.

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Re: Bill and Giuliana Rancic surrogate has miscarriage

While I really like G&B and I'm really sorry for the loss of heir child, I have a (personal) moral issue with people trying to hard to have "their" children, and either putting their own bodies or other peoples bodies through so much, when there are SO many children in the world that are available for adoption. Of course, this is coming from someone who has no plans to ever have children. Smiley Happy That being said, hubby and I have often discussed this, and would most likely go the adoption route from square one, as we feel more of a moral/ethical/religious obligation to care for children that are already on this earth, rather than trying to produce one that "came from us." Either way, it would be "our" child.
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Re: Bill and Giuliana Rancic surrogate has miscarriage

On 6/2/2014 faeriemoon said:

I really don't know much about either one of them, but I recall seeing Giulianna on the View when they were trying to conceive saying the doctors told her it would be helpful if she gained 5 lbs. She was unwilling to do this because of her career. This spoke volumes to me.

Me too. I think one is enough in their case.

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Re: Bill and Giuliana Rancic surrogate has miscarriage

On 6/2/2014 abbeythe8th said:
On 6/2/2014 faeriemoon said:

I really don't know much about either one of them, but I recall seeing Giulianna on the View when they were trying to conceive saying the doctors told her it would be helpful if she gained 5 lbs. She was unwilling to do this because of her career. This spoke volumes to me.

I saw her on a talk show and she said the doctor told her to gain 10 pounds. She was hesitant because she was in a business that was all about how you look.

Whether or not they want 1 baby or 5 babies is not my business. It is also none of my business how the baby is conceived or who carries it.

I've read that the husband has a girlfriend that is NOT hidden away.

You may be right about the weight; I don't really remember.{#emotions_dlg.blush}

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Re: Bill and Giuliana Rancic surrogate has miscarriage

On 6/2/2014 abbeythe8th said:
On 6/2/2014 faeriemoon said:

I really don't know much about either one of them, but I recall seeing Giulianna on the View when they were trying to conceive saying the doctors told her it would be helpful if she gained 5 lbs. She was unwilling to do this because of her career. This spoke volumes to me.

I saw her on a talk show and she said the doctor told her to gain 10 pounds. She was hesitant because she was in a business that was all about how you look.

Whether or not they want 1 baby or 5 babies is not my business. It is also none of my business how the baby is conceived or who carries it.

I've read that the husband has a girlfriend that is NOT hidden away.

I have never heard about the girlfriend..Maybe they have an open marriage. He is cute.
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Posts: 19,830
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Bill and Giuliana Rancic surrogate has miscarriage

On 6/2/2014 missyw1 said:
On 6/2/2014 faeriemoon said:
On 6/2/2014 Preds said:
On 6/2/2014 happy housewife said:

Every child i know who is an only child says that it is the very best all around. They should be happy with the child they have. some of us could not even have one.

I'm an only and wanted siblings. My mother tried several times, but couldn't carry. She wanted a large family.

My DD is an only and wishes she had siblings, but there were none. Some onlies are happy and some wish things could be different. Some with sibs wish they had been an only.

Every person I know who is an only child wishes he/she had siblings. DH always wished he had a brother or sister.

The difficulty is also felt as parents get old and need help and there is only one child to care for them.

We shouldn't expect our child/children to take care of us. Have a back up plan.

No, we shouldn't; but sometimes it comes down to that. And I don't just mean health-related issues. There are things like grocery shopping, paying the bills, home maintenance, etc. Children don't want to see someone take advantage of their parents, so they jump in and do these things themselves.

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Re: Bill and Giuliana Rancic surrogate has miscarriage

I don't understand why people are so judgmental. Did anybody ask you why you weren't adopting instead of having biological children? What do you really know about their marriage or parenting skills? Would you like to have the same scrutiny on your life. Just have some compassion for a woman who has had cancer and now has experienced a miscarriage even though she was not carrying the child herself.
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Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Re: Bill and Giuliana Rancic surrogate has miscarriage

I'm sorry for their loss.

Bill and Giuliana both seem like good people to me.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Bill and Giuliana Rancic surrogate has miscarriage

On 6/2/2014 LipstickDiva said:
On 6/2/2014 PurpleBunny said: A gestational carrier (GC) is not a “surrogate”, as a surrogate is someone who donates her egg and then subsequently carries the child. In the case of a gestational carrier, the woman carrying the pregnancy is in no way biologically or genetically related to the child she is carrying- she is merely providing a nurturing environment in the form of a uterus for the child to grow for the gestational period of 40 weeks. The eggs and sperm are derived from the “intended parents” (or egg donor, or sperm donor), through the process of In Vitro Fertilization, fertilized in the lab, and then the embryo (or embryos) are placed into the uterus of the gestational carrier.

Thank you. I didn't know the difference at first either when G&B used the term. I had to Google it.

I see the difference in terms, but she is still a surrogate in carrying the child to give up to someone else.

She just has no biological relation to the child (no DNA link), but she has carried it. That makes her enough of a surrogate to me!
