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Re: Best College Graduation Present Ever

@Trinity11 wrote:

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

Only time will tell if this is a good thing or not.  If it was intended as a "pay-it-forward" gift, the true character of these young men is being tested.  Will they grab and go on with their life or will they use the money they no longer have to pay back to help someone else.

I don't understand. There is so much inequity in this country, that if a billionaire wants to help those of average means, where is the harm? He clearly understands the wide gap there is between the middle class and the rich.


As far as those giving back...two examples would be my own children. Both went to college on full scholarships..both have given back to the community in their chosen professions.

From the article I read it appeared he intended this to be a pay-it-forward thing. 



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Re: Best College Graduation Present Ever

@LilacTree wrote:


I would imagine you would think it a very fine gesture if you saw someone in the grocery store pay the the bill for the guy in front of him who just found out he didn’t have enough money to pay It.


Would you instead criticize this generous man because he didn’t pay the bills for everyone else in line?


Think about it.

I already stated my reasons why, I have nothing more to add. Be well.

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Re: Best College Graduation Present Ever

@LilacTree   Great analogy!

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Re: Best College Graduation Present Ever

  • @kitcat51 wrote:

    I knew my post would get blow back but I stand by it... I believe everyone should pay their debt & having someone sweep in to pay it just because they can isn't good, it's awful. I'm 68, not heading to college so I have nothing to resent...I'm concerned about the bigger isuue here & others not seeing it. I volunteered yesterday at 2 hospitals, one in my small town, the other 70 miles away in the city & lots of comments about generous, where's mine, it wasn't a gift he owed them, college should be free, I want a tuition refund & more but my fav was...wish he was my sugar daddy. Anyway it's a done deal, his money, his choice but Yikes it sets a bad example that luck will pay your way. I'd be excited if just one grad said...Thanks for the generous offer but it's my responsibility to pay. What are the odds that would happen?


    sugar daddy??
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Re: Best College Graduation Present Ever

@2blonde wrote:

@LilacTree   Great analogy!

I don't see it.  The man in line had a need for the man generiosity at that moment.  It is not the same as paying the persons credit card bill because he did not have enough cash at the moment.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: Best College Graduation Present Ever

His money to do with as he pleases. I would have chosen differently if this money were mine. 


My parents paid for my education but had I been in a situation that meant borrowing and going into debt, I would have done two years of community college that is incredibly inexpensive. The first two years are basic 101 core classes. None are those required for one's major. I would have then transferred to a lower priced state college.

I have to question the decision of those who chose to incur a fortune in debt just to attend a private expensive university when what matters most is one's graduate school degree. To me, it's want versus need.

What I'm finding most disheartening here are the unkind shaming posts aimed at a poster whose opinion is contrary to those who put themselves forward as, "good caring", people. Just as bad are the posts making accusations of another's motives, feelings, and reasons for their opinion.

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Re: Best College Graduation Present Ever

Student debt is such an overwhelming burden that I can understand all of the mixed feelings.Starting life with a huge student loan to pay off at ridiculous interest rates with jobs that don’t pay as well as they did in the past is the reality for most grads.I see dentists in my area folding their practice and that was unheard of in my day.It might be difficult to be happy for those who won the jackpot when you are struggling under such pressure.

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Re: Best College Graduation Present Ever


@cherry wrote:

Well I don'tbelieve you. You are just plain nasty about this. There is no bigger picture except you are pea green with envy


Only in this forum would someone take a kind and generous act ,and try to turn it into a subversive action







I never would have expected such a mean, nasty post from you.

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Re: Best College Graduation Present Ever

@BirkiLady wrote:

@september  Hard, honest work has never hurt anyone. Those that accomplished their graduation without any debt by working through school have the self-respect of knowing they did it by themselves. They will be genuinely happy for their classmates. Good people know the difference of sincere happiness and jealousy. 

One student had to borrow $200,000. A quality education should not cost that much. I am sure this young man worked four years.

This young man said he would be in debt for 25 years. 

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Re: Best College Graduation Present Ever

[ Edited ]

@occasionalrain wrote:

His money to do with as he pleases. I would have chosen differently if this money were mine. 


My parents paid for my education but had I been in a situation that meant borrowing and going into debt, I would have done two years of community college that is incredibly inexpensive. The first two years are basic 101 core classes. None are those required for one's major. I would have then transferred to a lower priced state college.

I have to question the decision of those who chose to incur a fortune in debt just to attend a private expensive university when what matters most is one's graduate school degree. To me, it's want versus need.

What I'm finding most disheartening here are the unkind shaming posts aimed at a poster whose opinion is contrary to those who put themselves forward as, "good caring", people. Just as bad are the posts making accusations of another's motives, feelings, and reasons for their opinion.

I agree with you about the benefits of attending a community college and then transferring; however, these colleges are no longer “incredibly” inexpensive for many people, especially with a minimum wage job.