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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Returning

We had both of these, and I miss both so much!




Pier One had such different things. When I was 14 I spent some of my babysitting money on a cookbook there. I still have it and use it once in a while. As an adult I bought all kinds of things there, including a small wrought iron side table with birds sitting on branches. We were frequent customers.




After sitting empty for a while, it is now a restaurant.




I relied on BB&B too. It was the first place I went for wedding and shower gifts. I bought towels there and so many other things. When DS chose a college far from us, he selected bedding and other things here and we picked them up there.




I also liked that each store sold things spotlighting the area or state they represented.




Such a loss. I didn't know what was going on, but went in one afternoon. I didn't recognize anyone. Two young men were at the register, with one roped line. The brands I knew so well were gone. 
I didn't go in after that, even for the final sales. I guessed they didn't want some woman walking around crying!



Our huge freestanding store is still sitting there empty.  



I have a feeling the "returning" store will be nothing like the one I knew. We have never had a Container Store near us.  Smiley Sad

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Returning

I am not a fan of the store within a store. For example, the Sephora store in the Kohl's stores by me are kind of gross. I prefer to just go to the actual Sephora store.

One Target has an Ulta section and I shopped there when it first opened, but not anymore. They have it roped off so you enter and exit in same spot. Not sure why. Theft issue?

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Returning

I am curious what types of products will be brought into The Container Store.
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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Returning

[ Edited ]

In its recent earnings report Container Store indicated that if this partnership with BBB fails to materialize (BBB would make a $40 million equity investment) a bankruptcy filing is a possible alternative. 


Container revenue fell about 11% during the most recent quarter.   It has only about 100 locations,  put expansion plans on hold and closed several large locations recently due to higher rents.


Retailing is difficult all over.

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Returning

@beach-mom I also miss Pier One!  They had so many nice things for gifts and the home.  I loved their holiday pillows, candles and all kinds of interesting odds & ends!


It was at my local shopping center and has now become a Capital Grill restaurant.

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Returning

[ Edited ]

I was a fan of Pier 1. No Container Stores near me, but I noticed Hobby Lobby has more linens.

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Returning

@going to Carolina wrote:

I went into mourning when Pier One closed.  

@going to Carolina   I did too !!!   Pier One was one of my favorite places to shop.  My home is filled with beautiful items I purchased there.   I'm just thankful I have the things I do, but I sure do miss it.  😔

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Returning

I noticed a Pier One on line but it doesn't seem the same to me.

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Returning



I live 65 miles from Dallas, where the nearest Container Store was.  I think the first time I drove there was to buy school supplies for our daughter.  Looking back, that was kinda stupid 


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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Returning



Our Ulta in Target does the same thing. I think the same thing, to discourage shoplifters.