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Re: Beauty salon stroke syndrome

The salon I go to doesn't have chairs that raise your feet or a neck brace.  Huh

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Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Beauty salon stroke syndrome


That is a good website!  

That's where I got most of my information:


Are You or Someone You Love at Risk for Stroke?


This activity is for people who want to know the risk factors for an acute ischemic stroke. The goal is for you to think about the steps you can take to lower your risk or prevent a stroke.


You will learn:

Lifestyle and medical risk factors for stroke
How to change your eating and exercise habits
How to lower your blood pressure
What medicines can help prevent a stroke

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Posts: 18,752
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Beauty salon stroke syndrome

@sidsmom wrote:


That is a good website!  

That's where I got most of my information:


Are You or Someone You Love at Risk for Stroke?


This activity is for people who want to know the risk factors for an acute ischemic stroke. The goal is for you to think about the steps you can take to lower your risk or prevent a stroke.


You will learn:

Lifestyle and medical risk factors for stroke
How to change your eating and exercise habits
How to lower your blood pressure
What medicines can help prevent a stroke



But you only chose the possibilities that fit your agenda.  And I am not using agenda in a bad way. 


Your scope is too limiting.


You cannot attribute a cause of stroke for anyone without additional personal and medical knowledge.


I understand you have good intentions, but you're not telling the whole story.

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Posts: 18,415
Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Beauty salon stroke syndrome


Of course there will always be the rare 'one-off's', but I believe my scope is very broad.  I'm just posting an opinion like everyone else...with good intentions.  Thank you for mentioning that! 👍


But I'll repeat my upthread comment:

"There's ALOT more to this story...definitely a 'back story' not being told."

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Posts: 20,534
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Beauty salon stroke syndrome

Strokes are caused my many things.  My 23 year old SIL had a stroke 3 months after she got married.  The cause.... Birth control pills combined with smoking.  She was in rehab for 3 months and there were a couple of very young women in there with her... All smokers who took BC pills.


That being said, you should not be uncomfortable at the shampoo bowl.  Have your stylist line the neck indentation with a towel.  If you are too short and there is no booster chair, sit on a pile of towels or books to raise yourself up. You can even stand up and lean over the bowl.


This problem is rare and not likely to happen, so relax and get comfortable.

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Re: Beauty salon stroke syndrome

The doctor (SM) is IN THE HOUSE. LOL!

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Re: Beauty salon stroke syndrome

@terriebear wrote:


@hoosieroriginal wrote:

A woman claims getting her hair washed at a salon set off a stroke - (hyperextension of neck).  Interesting - I know it hurts my neck when I get my hair washed at a salon - very uncomfortable.

I would just generally off the top of my head, after read the link think that this lady would need a lot a luck, and a dumb jury to win her case.  Only 250 documented cases of salon stroke?  There are probably millions of women in America who get a shampoo every week in a salon an never experience this syndrome.  I never bend my neck back at any angle, but simply lean against the sink.  Something you might try @hoosieroriginal. My stylist always put a towel on the curve of the sink to cushion my neck also.  There are so many reason for a stroke that any lawyer is going to tear this woman apart from high cholesterol, family history, smoking, possible unknown heart disease, amount of alcohol she drinks, and her age.  This is my thought anyway...

It wasn't negligence on the part of the salon but a pre existing husband was a hairdresser 50 years and never had it happen....if she were in a movie it could have happened or if she had a blockage in her carotid artery, it might happen.  Salon personnel are not medical professionals and would not be expected to know about hyper extending a hypertensive person's neck nor were they necessarily aware she had the condition 

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Re: Beauty salon stroke syndrome

When I lived in Germany and went to a salon, they had you face the sink and bend forward.  Works great and there is never any soap residue at the back of the neck.

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Re: Beauty salon stroke syndrome

And........there are just people who blame every misfortune on someone else

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Beauty salon stroke syndrome

i think if you're going to have a stroke, you're going to have a stroke.  no matter where or when or what circumstances.  there is no changing that.