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Re: Baby goats "talk back" in unison, LOL

Our son and daughter-in-law raise goats and they are just like a dog. So loving{#emotions_dlg.wub}

When we go to visit, when we get out of the car, all the goats "Ba Ba", so sweet. They all run to the fence to say hello.

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Re: Baby goats "talk back" in unison, LOL

I've heard that cats only meow to humans, and they don't meow to one another.........{#emotions_dlg.ohmy}

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Baby goats "talk back" in unison, LOL

On 7/25/2014 ROMARY said:

I've heard that cats only meow to humans, and they don't meow to one another.........{#emotions_dlg.ohmy}

Mother cats meow to their kittens, calling them to her for baths and chow time. Cats in heat call out to each other.

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Re: Baby goats "talk back" in unison, LOL

Goats seem to be a barrel of fun. We want one, we always have.

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Re: Baby goats "talk back" in unison, LOL

thanks for posting this-I've watched it several times and now I want a goat!

Posts: 26
Registered: ‎07-22-2014

Re: Baby goats "talk back" in unison, LOL

SO CUTE!! I love goats, we had several goats growing up. They lived with our horses and they also had the run of the house, with diapers on of

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Re: Baby goats "talk back" in unison, LOL

On 7/26/2014 betteb said:
On 7/25/2014 ROMARY said:

I've heard that cats only meow to humans, and they don't meow to one another.........{#emotions_dlg.ohmy}

Mother cats meow to their kittens, calling them to her for baths and chow time. Cats in heat call out to each other.

This is true, Ro, as far as the actual "me-ow" sound goes. Smile

Just like the "makin' biscuits" behavior that they do to their hooman parent and/or sometimes a soft blankie. It's regressive behavior, as when cats are babies they knead their mama's belly to stimulate her milk production.

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Re: Baby goats "talk back" in unison, LOL

On 7/25/2014 betteb said:

Hi Feline Sista Friend{#emotions_dlg.wub}

That is Ah-dorable! Made me giggle and I really needed that today{#emotions_dlg.wub}

I meow at Kitty and she meows backSmile

These are adorable - a definite laugh-out-loud moment. BetteB, my Baby Cat has to go to the vet so much, she has these funny sounds she makes in the carrier, and only when we're going to the vet. I mimic her and she mimics me back, all the way to and from the vet. I told the vet techs that she and I have had some awesome conversations going back and forth to the vet office - I can only hope one day I'll find out what they were about!{#emotions_dlg.laugh}{#emotions_dlg.wub}

I finally recorded one of these conversations a few weeks ago when I thought for sure I was going to lose her soon....but she's still hanging in there. She's got a lot of spunk!{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

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Re: Baby goats "talk back" in unison, LOL

On 7/25/2014 betteb said:
On 7/25/2014 Feline Fine said:

Just came across 63 seconds of Ninja Kitten hilarity... {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

OMGosh, that is just the best{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

I found out today that my sister's grandsons recently found a tabby kitten like this one. Barely had it's eyes open. Those boys (teenagers) saved that baby. They went to the pet store and bought formula and bottles so they could feed her. They have had her for about 4 weeks now and she is doing great. Running around the house and driving Hazel the Pug crazySmile{#emotions_dlg.wub}

This story is {}awesome, and Hazel's name is just perfect for a Pug (love the breed's usual expression of concern). Bless those nurturing boys; great job, parents!

Something similar you might be interested in:

Saw this critically-acclaimed film at the movies in 1989 - yes, I was an adult (26), heh - and it was so precious, heartwarming, LOL-funny (especially Dudley Moore's narration), and enjoyable. Smile

If you haven't already, you can see it on Amazon Instant Video and Hulu if you have their special memberships, and possibly elsewhere online. Or, you can buy it for the animal section of your at-home movie library.

Here's what the original and more recent covers of the VHS and DVD look like:

tumblr_-milo-otis.jpg (500×368)

Plus, you can check out the movie's trailer at this YouTube link... enjoy!

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Posts: 2,442
Registered: ‎06-28-2013

Re: Baby goats "talk back" in unison, LOL

On 7/26/2014 catlover said:

thanks for posting this-I've watched it several times and now I want a goat!{#emotions_dlg.wub}

'Welcome, CL; thanks for your appreciation. 8-)