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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

On 1/26/2015 feline groovy said:

Wish I could think of one, Becc... seems like I remember that there was 5-cent candy instead. But then I'm a Boomer-GenXer; 1963.

Cute thread. 8)


I take you to the candy shop. lick the lollipop.. But all I want is some watah.

FG, you're just a youngster! No wonder you don't remember penny candy! {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}Wink

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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

On 1/26/2015 kittymomNC said:
On 1/26/2015 feline groovy said:

Wish I could think of one, Becc... seems like I remember that there was 5-cent candy instead. But then I'm a Boomer-GenXer; 1963.

Cute thread. 8)


I take you to the candy shop. lick the lollipop.. But all I want is some watah.

FG, you're just a youngster! No wonder you don't remember penny candy! {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}Wink

Thanks, KC! I'll (hopefully!) be 52 in March, but I'm glad that I'm also a Gen X'er as well, being a 'youthful' 50's broad, LOL. Wink

BTW, "Baby Boomer" birth years are 1946 to 1964, and "Generation X" is the early 1960's to the early 1980's.

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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

Candy lipstick was my favorite. and candy cigarettes.Once my neighbor lit a candy cig and it melted so fast it made a hot sugar string and burned his chin. All the kids lAughed so still has a slight scar.
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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

On 1/26/2015 madcity411 said:
On 1/26/2015 sunshine45 said:

when was it a penny? maybe i am forgetting,but i recall buying candies at 5 cents. my favorites were always sour balls and lemonheads.

The VERY small village I grew up in the 50's, had penny candy (individual pieces) wrapped. Candy bars were 5 cents each or 6 for a quarter! These were full size too! My friends and I took turns "treating" each other. {#emotions_dlg.laugh} Those were the days.

thanks madcity.....i was born in the early 1960s so that is probably why i dont remember it being a penny......but looking back, 5 cents was a great deal also! Kiss

i also forgot to mention goldenbergs peanut chews!

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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

Bazooka bubble gum.

To add- I was never big on candy (penny or otherwise). But I always chewed gum! (In fact Im chewing gum while Im typing The only candy I ever ate/eat is Hershey kisses and Reeses peanut butter cups.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?


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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

Another vote for Tootsie Rolls and Tootsie Roll Pops.

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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

I don't think there was a penny candy I didn't like. I didn't see now n laters mentioned. Swedish fish, the candy buttons you tore off the sheet. Omgosh, so many. That is where my allowance use to go. Cinnamon buttons. Sugar daddy lollipops, milk duds, jawbreakers, bubble yum......
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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

On 1/26/2015 feline groovy said:
On 1/26/2015 kittymomNC said:
On 1/26/2015 feline groovy said:

Wish I could think of one, Becc... seems like I remember that there was 5-cent candy instead. But then I'm a Boomer-GenXer; 1963.

Cute thread. 8)


I take you to the candy shop. lick the lollipop.. But all I want is some watah.

FG, you're just a youngster! No wonder you don't remember penny candy! {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}Wink

Thanks, KC! I'll (hopefully!) be 52 in March, but I'm glad that I'm also a Gen X'er as well, being a 'youthful' 50's broad, LOL. Wink

BTW, "Baby Boomer" birth years are 1946 to 1964, and "Generation X" is the early 1960's to the early 1980's.

I never knew the exact years, just knew it was after the war... I'm a slightly pre-baby boomer! {#emotions_dlg.laugh} But I had to get in on anything that talks about penny candy! Did anyone put peanuts in their Coke back then? I did...and as a poster mentioned on another thread, for you Barbara Mandrell & country music fans, I was country before country was cool - wa-a-a-y-y before!Smile

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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

That's it, SuiGeneris ... thanks ...

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