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Are you/were you in the job you thought you would be as a child? For fun.

I've heard people say that they knew as a child, what they wanted to do as a grownup. I thought of being a ballerina. Well, needless to say, I didn't go that route. LOL

Just for fun, did you?

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Re: Are you/were you in the job you thought you would be as a child? For fun.

Nope. I would have been a vet, were it not for those dreaded chemistry classes! {#emotions_dlg.scared}

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Re: Are you/were you in the job you thought you would be as a child? For fun.

I wanted to be a missionary nun and save the "pagan babies". That lasted about 10 minutes.

My dream career was archaeology. Life intervened. Oddly, very few of my circle are interested in pre-Roman Britain....I time-travel in books.

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Re: Are you/were you in the job you thought you would be as a child? For fun.

When I was a kid, I did not even know my job existed (human services program manager -- basically an office drone.) I wanted to be a manicurist!

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: Are you/were you in the job you thought you would be as a child? For fun.

When I was a child, I thought I'd grow up, get married and have children! I didn't marry till I was 35 and did not have children of my own!

In Jr. High School, I remember going to a bank on a field trip within walking distance of the school, and never dreamed that I'd work for the same bank, main branch, for 17 yrs. right out of HS!

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Re: Are you/were you in the job you thought you would be as a child? For fun.

What an interesting question. Enjoying the answers.

I've been in higher education for almost 30 years. I taught business education courses (remember those?), decided to work in non-profit for a short time, then back to higher education - academic counseling.

Husband recalls us being college students and my sharing I wanted to work at the college we were attending after I graduated. I retired from that campus over 3 decades after making that comment. Who knew? I must have sent a message to the Universe....

My dad retired from TWAirlines. As a child, I wanted to be an airline 'stewardess' or travel agent but he kept saying I had the heart of a teacher.

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Are you/were you in the job you thought you would be as a child? For fun.

No! As a kid, I wanted to be in the Space Program. Actually go into deep space. Then later political science and theologies held my attentions. Never imagined myself managing an office for psychiatrists and behavioral therapists. Nor at 41, to STILL be working toward my Ph.D. . . but that's the complicated beauty of life, I guess.

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Re: Are you/were you in the job you thought you would be as a child? For fun.

No. When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a writer/ journalist. I loved languages and travel, but I also liked helping people. So, I've had three "careers" so far, and they've all included elements of the things I love: writing, speaking other languages, helping others traveling. It's all good!
If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Re: Are you/were you in the job you thought you would be as a child? For fun.

On 12/31/2014 DeLaney said:

Nor at 41, to STILL be working toward my Ph.D. . . but that's the complicated beauty of life, I guess.

Don't give up! {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

I finished at 30, and getting it over and done with has been the best thing ever. I grumble about taking online courses now, just because, but I remember the days of coursework, comps, and dissertation writing.

Are you A.B.D.?

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Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Re: Are you/were you in the job you thought you would be as a child? For fun.

Yes, For as long as I can remember I wanted to be a Nurse that takes care of babies I have been doing that for almost 40 years.