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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

[ Edited ]

I have no idea if I'm wearing the "right" mask and have no desire for a "wardrobe" of them. I'm not one who is getting into the whole "mask as a fashion statement" movement... I do have a number of different types of masks that I've tried in the attempt to find one that is more comfortable and, more important, "breathable"... So far, none of them is an improvement over the others... I do have one final choice on order and I'll see if that one works... I'll only order more as they wear out or are thrown out, but I'm sort of done experimenting, when it's more or less clear that none of them works particularly well for those who already have breathing issues...


On those rare occasions when I must leave the house, I make every effort to wear my mask when in public... You might see me in the store seeking a deserted area of the frozen food aisle so I can lift my mask for a few minutes and breathe in some cool air... If the prospect of that is upsetting to you then either avoid me on that aisle or you stay home... Like others, those with issues that make mask wearing a challenge have to procure essentials and many of us are doing the best we can... Those making the assumption that difficulty wearing a mask is nothing more than an elective choice and that "can't" means "won't" just demonstrate how little they understand and speak volumes about their level of compassion for others... Those for whom wearing a mask is "comfortable" or who otherwise find it to be "no big deal" should consider themselves fortunate but might also consider that not everyone has the same experience...


Incidentally, feeling faint under many circumstances, especially those where breathing is restricted and one is overheated, is not necessarily indicative of a dread disease...



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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

All the information I have says that face shields do NOT replace masks. They are meant to supplement them, to give protection for the whole face. Please check to be sure before ditching the mask for a shield alone.

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

@sunshine45 wrote:

Wearing a mask may can affect how you breathe. You might find yourself taking shallow breaths, or even holding your breath. This can cause you to breathe in more carbon dioxide, which can cause headaches and nausea.


Moving around while wearing a mask can also be fatiguing, because you have to breathe harder to do regular tasks.


And masks may make you feel claustrophobic and anxious, which cause hyperventilating (taking rapid breaths). This will make you feel dizzy, lightheaded, cause numbness and tingling of your lips, and possibly spasms in your hands and feet. You might be hyperventilating and not even realize it.


If you notice any of these symptoms, try some mindful breathing exercises or find a place to be alone without your mask for a few moments while you return your breath to normal.


If you find yourself with an aching head after beginning to wear a mask day in and day out, it could be related to two things: caffeine intake and hydration.



I agree that part of the problem could be anxiety.  When I first started wearing mine in March or April, I would be huffing and puffing as I went to the car, and I think it was anxiety, especially since I don't do it now.  Also, I just feel so much more confident that if I wear the mask, social distance, wash my hands, and limit trips to public areas, it will be ok.  

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

@hooked on books wrote:
I have been wearing mostly Vera Bradley masks with the filters inserted. They are pretty comfortable. My DH wears the disposable masks and he finds it difficult to breath with them. His breathing is not good to begin with but I'm afraid for him if he doesn't wear a mask due to this issue. I wish VB would make masks in plain black, navy or gray with no pattern so that I could order a couple for him. I think he would find them more comfortable than the disposable kind.

@hooked on books I've ordered masks from several places and Vera Bradley are the most comfortable for me also. They run large so I washed and dried them and now they fit perfeclty.  Actually, it makes their care easier because I just throw them in the washer and dryer now with no worries about shrinkage.  They did offer black ones at one time.  They sell out quickly.  They keep changing prints and colors.  It would be nice if they kept some solid colors all the time.        

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

[ Edited ]

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

What does your husband and son do that they are indoors and in that heat for that long of time.  Would like to know what masks they find works and are comfortable.

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@Shorty2U wrote:

We bought masks on Etsy and Ebay. My husband has 12, i have 5. My husband who is asthmatic, works 6 days a week in a mask in 100 and some degree temps with a mask on. Only thing that bugs him is the heat (NOT the mask). My son wears a mask 6 days a week 10 to 12 hours a day in the heat too. I only have to wear one when we go in public to the stores. My one granddaughter wears one at work. My daughter wears one to shop. They dont bother any of us. But I hear so many around here complaining( they think ts bossy to have to wear one). I think its kind! And I am getting sick of hearing people complain about them for no reason. Thats my take on the masks.

What does your husband and son do that they are indoors and in that heat for that long of time.  Would like to know what masks they find works and are comfortable.





I too would like to add that I too want to see the answers to the questions you asked, but maybe for different reasons. As one that worked for over 30 years on jobs where 90° was considered cool!


We had to wear safety glasses with side eye shields which were not light, and not easy to keep on your face. No masks and polyurethane and polyvinyl chloride fumes always in the air. This I know for sure. There were more than 1 co-worker that we poured water on to wake them up. Fortunately, they were ok, some dehydrated, why? You can guess that one.


Anyone working in those temps for 8-10-12 hours while wearing a mask? Please, I have been there, and even without a mask, ain't happening. Good luck selling that to me! Hydration? No mention of that! What, sneak off where you are alone to drink fluid?


I also recovered from my 1st heart attack with ice skating as a part of my physical fitness recovery. Since Aspiration Pneumonia damaged my lungs, my Pulmonologist required I wear a mask. Now this is in a cool environment, far from 100°, but breathing with a mask, while simultaneously increasing my heart rate?


I managed, but as I said, it was not 100° and lots of H2o was consumed. My suggestion to those that decide to wear a mask, in 100° weather, while even slightly increasing your heart rate? Don't!


Anxious to hear the answers to the questions to which you referred, so I can get how these men were able to make it through these long days, and walk out on their own 2 feet!



hckynut 🏒

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

@patbz, thank you so much for letting me know about Land's End! I will definitely check it out!❤
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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

@cotton4me, yes, VB does run a bit large. I did see the black masks on-site a while ago and I should have grabbed a couple at that time! I'm becoming quite a VB mask collector because of all those cute patterns and colors, LOL!
I sanitize mine by spraying it very generously with alcohol and hanging it to dry. 😀
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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

@hooked on books wrote:
I have been wearing mostly Vera Bradley masks with the filters inserted. They are pretty comfortable. My DH wears the disposable masks and he finds it difficult to breath with them. His breathing is not good to begin with but I'm afraid for him if he doesn't wear a mask due to this issue. I wish VB would make masks in plain black, navy or gray with no pattern so that I could order a couple for him. I think he would find them more comfortable than the disposable kind.

@hooked on books : Vera Bradley makes plain black masks. I got a couple for DH a few weeks ago. They're sold out now, but keep checking their website-- they'll problably be back in stock.

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

I need to get a few cotton masks for the hot and humid days, we were out and about last night, and my polester mask was hot

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

[ Edited ]

David V. said that if your mask is too large, twist the elastics that go around your ears.  That will shorten them so it will fit better!


Thanks for the discussion.  


The right mask is the one that is comfortable that you will wear!