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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

While there may be some who cannot wear a mask, the vast majority can and should.   

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

My mother has only been out once since March and thought she might faint with the mask on.  I have a variety, so I could narrow in on one for when I go back to work.  It's going to be hard, they all feel hot.  The disposable are in the lead at the moment.

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

[ Edited ]

I bought some Lug masks. Very cute colors/designs. Wore one today and luckily I keep some disposable in my purse. Heavy and a little uncomfortable. Definitely cannot be worn for long periods of time. Plus, my voice was muffled wearing it! I did buy a few other masks from other designers, but so far, I prefer the blue disposable, especially if I need to wear for an extended period of time.


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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

I don't find masks in plentiful supply in the places I shop much less different styles, so what I've got is what I have to wear.  I'm not driving around to differnt stores to look for them and don't feel I can trust the online suppliers these days, much less shipping.

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

[ Edited ]

So much drama over masks. I wear one to protect myself, since many people do not care about others by NOT wearing one.


Edited to add...I don't know if I am wearing the "right" one, but I do wear one.

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

@hooked on books : Lands end makes a light weight mask in white (inexpensive); I recommend it.

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

@momoftwo2007 wrote:

@Zhills  I agree.  I have tons of masks at home.  I find that some cloth masks do make me feel very hot.  I find that surgical masks are the most comfortable.  I feel that surgical masks with nose wires is the best fitting for me.  I buy my masks from YesStyle. They are expensive, but they are very comfortable.

You can get the same mask from senior dot com and the shipping is much less.

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

@GCR18  A face shield could be an option for someone who really cannot comfortably wea4 a mask. They cost more, but considering how many fabric masks people are buying....

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

@esmerelda wrote:

@GCR18  A face shield could be an option for someone who really cannot comfortably wea4 a mask. They cost more, but considering how many fabric masks people are buying....

I agree with you @esmerelda.  I've actually gotten alternative use out of my face shield.


I have both types - the one with the styrofoam band around the forehead (hate it) and the one attached to an eyeglass frame (love it).


The shield is great if you do any hand washing involving bleach.  You know the phenomena of somebody stepping on your new suede shoes?  That's how I am when I use bleach.  A drop of it inevitably splashes up onto my cheek.  I now use the face guard when I bleach.


I haven't worn it on the street, but I saw people wearing them back in our covid heyday. I was waiting the usual six weeks for dellivery on the item.  If someone can't wear a mask, I think this is great to have when you're face to face with a cashier, for example.  And people will know that you're a mindful person and not careless.

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Re: Are you wearing the right mask?

I wear disposable masks. They are lightweight and I don't have to wash them. 


I could care less if I'm a fashion statement, I just want to be safe.