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Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

@Tallgal Thank you SO much for making time to care for the animals.  I appreciate your efforts, and hope that more people will welcome these sweet babies into their homes and lives.  You are doing God's work.

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Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

@Tallgal Thank you SO much for making time to care for the animals.  I appreciate your efforts, and hope that more people will welcome these sweet babies into their homes and lives.  You are doing God's work.

Thank you

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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

@On It wrote:

@CrazyKittyLvr2  I agree with not wanting to join anything. We have earned this time in our life. I want no commitments or obligations to be somewhere or attend meetings. This is my time, and I want to use the time I have left to please myself. Younger me did plenty of that to last the rest of my life.


I realize that I am an introvert. I recharge best when I am alone and enjoying the quiet around me. Extroverts who need social and other people around them probably don't share my opinion. I'm just glad we are in a stage of our life that we can say no to being forced into social situations.


@On It 


Very well stated .... and ITA.   

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Posts: 6,162
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

Various organized sports groups since childhood. Played women's adult indoor soccer until age 33 then co-ed softball until age 40. Getting ready to join a pickleball group. School band. Church worship group. Volunteer groups. Joined a local political group recently. Neighborhood bookclub and a couple of monthly breakfast / lunch groups.     

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

@Tallgal wrote:

Yes I am a very active volunteer at the SPCA in my community.  I love the SPCA!   I wash and dry laundry and dishes;  clean dog and cat kennels;  assist with the pet pantry (this is a food bank for animals);  transport cats and dogs in the SPCA van;  assist with offsite events;  help with humane education for the children; at the front desk I check messages on the phone and call people; I also walk dogs.   I have been volunteering at the SPCA for over 2 years.  Last August I was able to retire so I am very thankful that I can provide additional hours to assist the SPCA with the life saving work we do.   My SPCA was recently voted best Non-profit and Animal-rescue in my community.




Thank you so much for giving your time and hard work to help animals. You are providing care and comfort to them and saving lives. I admire your doing the things like walking the dogs (which means so much to them) plus the hands on that is considered  "dirty work" such as laundry, dishwashing, cleaning kennel, etc. In addition to all of those things and more, you're doing outreach and other tasks that are necessary for managing the program. Thank you for all that you do. 

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Posts: 480
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

@Silver Lining wrote:

@Tallgal wrote:

Yes I am a very active volunteer at the SPCA in my community.  I love the SPCA!   I wash and dry laundry and dishes;  clean dog and cat kennels;  assist with the pet pantry (this is a food bank for animals);  transport cats and dogs in the SPCA van;  assist with offsite events;  help with humane education for the children; at the front desk I check messages on the phone and call people; I also walk dogs.   I have been volunteering at the SPCA for over 2 years.  Last August I was able to retire so I am very thankful that I can provide additional hours to assist the SPCA with the life saving work we do.   My SPCA was recently voted best Non-profit and Animal-rescue in my community.




Thank you so much for giving your time and hard work to help animals. You are providing care and comfort to them and saving lives. I admire your doing the things like walking the dogs (which means so much to them) plus the hands on that is considered  "dirty work" such as laundry, dishwashing, cleaning kennel, etc. In addition to all of those things and more, you're doing outreach and other tasks that are necessary for managing the program. Thank you for all that you do. 

Thank you

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Posts: 3,457
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

   When I was young I was a Brownie then a Girl Scout. Scouting and summer camp were the best times. It was so disappointing when we no longer had a volunteer leader, the year I started high school. In high school I belonged to Biology Club and Art Club.


    Raising my three girls, I became a Campfire leader and was active in the school PTA and fundraising projects. Over the years,

 I joined art classes,  yoga and dance classes even into my forties.


    When I married my second husband we participated in a lot of political events and fundraisers. Now that we are retired it is

a relief not to have  any commitments other than family events.

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Registered: ‎05-22-2014

Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

As a young mother, I was active in a women’s organization involved in helping our community.  Afterwards, I spent many years working in jobs that took my time and energy.

Later in my life, I volunteered for years on a skilled nursing floor in a facility for the poor.  I had some health issues and had to give it up.  It could be very hard and emotional, but it was one of the best things I ever did.  I loved all the residents.

I am quite up in years now and content to spend time with my husband and family, tend my house, read, and visit with a few close friends.  


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Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

I would have liked to be in some groups but never found anything that really interested me.  I tried Red hats groups but not really that much fun. Never felt I fit in.  I went to one book club but it was like a school book report.  Not fun like Oprahsl. I enjoyed working when I was younger and met most of my friends there.  I am in a over 55 retirement community but a lot of the activities seem really competitive.  I went to a support group once after a divorce and that was really depressiing.  So I guess I and not much of a joiner.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

I am not really a person who enjoys being in clubs, etc.  I am not comfortable in large groups and I don't enjoy knowing that I have to do something at a certain time on a certain day each week.  I used to belong to a bowling league and it was enjoyable, but many times I just thought --- I'd rather just stay home!  I also at one point belonged to several organizations but one by one, I just quit.  So, I guess I will say that I am really not a joiner!   

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin