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Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

@SunValley wrote:

The there was one organization I was interested in joining because their thrift shop helped women and children escaping domestic violence. But then I was politely told my social credentials were subpar for their elite membership. So I donate directly to the women's and children's shelter. 

What are one's "social credentials"?  I wonder if mine would qualify?

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Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

At one point I was in a lot of groups.  But because of my work skills, I wound up doing a lot of work and that got old.


Also, I found because I worked in a high pressure job, one with deadlines that had little or no flexibility, I found sometimes volunteer/group work to be very frustrating.  Nobody wanted to make a decision, and they really were afraid to make a decision, so things just dragged on and on and that was hard for me.


Now?  No.  I don't want to plan and cater your parties, arrange for venues, produce brochures or do your website, come to endless meetings or be somewhere every day.  Thank you very much.



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Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

@On It


Isn't it great!

I no longer feel obligated to go to functions that don't interest me. I used to dread the job related Christmas parties and brunches that I attended to support my DH. 

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Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

@SunValley wrote:

The there was one organization I was interested in joining because their thrift shop helped women and children escaping domestic violence. But then I was politely told my social credentials were subpar for their elite membership. So I donate directly to the women's and children's shelter. 

What are one's "social credentials"?  I wonder if mine would qualify?

@deepwaterdotter I think their credentials had to do with bank accounts and "high society" social circle. Lol

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Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

@Sooner I could have written your post. I hear you 100%.

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Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

I am not much of a joiner.  I was a Girl Scout leader for some time when my daughter was young and when I was newly married I joined the ladies auxiliary at a fire house my DH volunteered at at his urging.


It didn't last too long.  I couldn't go to meetings or fund raisers because I had a baby and no baby sitter.  I was asked to donate baked goods for Monday night fund raiser dinners, which I did.  I made dozens of homemade pies, cakes and cookies that were supposed to be sold to the public for profit. We didn't have a lot of money back then, and it was a serious financial strain, but a good cause, so I did it every Monday night for almost a year.


I found out the other volunteers who showed up to work the dinners were taking the baked goods for themselves and not selling or paying for them.  That ended that.



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Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

I've given them a try on several occasions in my life. They never work out for me.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

I was never too much of a joiner.  I was a cheerleader in high school and on a gymnastics team but other than that not much.  I liked doing things with my kids when they were young like visiting parks, bike rides and nature walks.  I didn't care for commitments either, other than work.   I worked as a chairside dental assistant as many of you may know.  In that job I always interacted with patients and had to always be on top of my game and was always on a strict schedule .   I would  help in the front office too where I was on the phone I don't care to talk on the phone much at all and forget about living on a schedule, No No No!!!!!

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Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

@tucsongal what a nice comment. Thank you.

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Re: Are/Were You A Joiner (Clubs or Organizations).

I did join girl scouts only because I wanted to wear the uniform once a week to school LOL!. I hated earning badges... I was a bad girl scout!  Never joined anything again and have no desire to be part of a group now.