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Re: Anyone here read Life after Life by Kate Atkinson?

I've always wondered why some people have a problem reading what they call "big" books.

What's the difference in reading a big book compared to reading several small books back-to-back? Why do we get intimidated just by the number of pages a book has? We are going to read, and it's just turning pages. Are we afraid to commit to a story line for any length of time? Do we want short, simple reads so we can be mind-free of details and just in a daze?

Now if a book is a bad read, that's a different story. But I've seen reader's reject marvelous books and author's simple based on the size of the book, and truly miss out on some mind-blowing reads.

Yet, they continue to read several books back-to-back, using the same amount of time and turning the same number of pages. Proves it's a mental game we play, and we can't commit for some reason. Confidence or commitment a problem in your life?

Human nature at it's finest !! Smile

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Re: Anyone here read Life after Life by Kate Atkinson?

On 4/28/2014 esmerelda said:'s been wonderful for me! I love reading, but don't often find the time to sit down and do it. a way to get the entertainment and still get things done. Outside, inside (cleaning, dinner, anything), driving...I wouldn't be able to enjoy nearly as many books otherwise.

If you have something to which you can download them, membership at is very reasonable, especially their introductory deal. I've been a member since 2008 and love it!

This is great to know, esmerelda. Thanks for the info and your experience. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

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Re: Anyone here read Life after Life by Kate Atkinson?

For me, hope, it's the the commitment factor. I'm a big reader and I rarely give up on a book. So I really need to know what kind of "reading mood" I'm in. For me, it's kinda like choosing music. Sometimes I like to listen to the radio. Sometimes I pop in a CD and listen to it in its entirety. Sometimes I listen to the sports channel. It has to be what I'm in the mood for. If I'm not in the mood to jump into an 800-1000 page book, I feel that sometimes it's a slog.

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Re: Anyone here read Life after Life by Kate Atkinson?

I finished this book a few months ago and I loved it. The beginning of the book was different from anything I have read before and I didn't know if I wanted to continue. I hate giving up on a book so I kept reading and discovered a beautifully written and deeply moving story. It is a challenging book but very well worth investing the time.

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Re: Anyone here read Life after Life by Kate Atkinson?

Learn to speed read. One can read a 1,000 page book in half the time. Unless I am "studying" a book, I always speed read.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: Anyone here read Life after Life by Kate Atkinson?

Thanks, Ford and Nona. Smiley Happy

Posts: 51
Registered: ‎07-06-2011

Re: Anyone here read Life after Life by Kate Atkinson?

I thoroughly enjoyed this one once I got into the rhythm of its construction. It quite believably conveyed a period and alternate courses history may have taken. It reminds me of nesting dolls in the elegance if its construction. It was most definitely one of the better books I've read this year.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Anyone here read Life after Life by Kate Atkinson?

Hi Smilealot-What a great description with the nesting dolls. Smiley Happy

I must admit, ladies, that I put it aside for a bit And I've gone on to read other things. It is still in a coveted spot on the nightstand, though. And I'm NOT abandoning it. Just maybe wasn't the right mood/time for me to jump into this one.

Posts: 51
Registered: ‎07-06-2011

Re: Anyone here read Life after Life by Kate Atkinson?

Glmama- I most definitely believe that books will resonate with you at different times in your life. I can remember several times when I've started a book, couldn't get into it then picked it up several years later to say "aha".... Every book has it's time. Life After Life was one I had hesitated a bit originally to buy. When I made the plunge, it was worth it. I also adored Donna Tart's The Goldfinch and snapped that one up as soon as it came out. The writing was nothing less than divinely elegant. Happy reading!