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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

Hi Noel.  It could have been hostile forces.  It was seen from San Diego to ???  Like in the past when the Russian fighters came right up beside our territorial waters her becuse their leader was letting our current POTUS know, he wasn't afraid of us and could send us some very strong messages.  I just don't buy the media's anser yet and WHEN did they alert the public????



LR, that kind of thing is the stuff of movies from decades ago.  With our technology, there is no way a foreign sub could be headed for our waters and get close.  No way.




The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?


LAX and other airports were apparently notified ahead of time to let them know no flights would go out anywhere near that time..

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

Our local Fox news station reported it was an exercise by the Navy.  It was not announced prior to the exercise (Duh!).


So there you have it.  Google Fox 10 News Arizona.

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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

We were not notified out here. In fact the gov was denying it for hours. The LAX notification came after the missle.

It was large, it was scary and was right over head. 

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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

@hennypenny wrote:

We were not notified out here. In fact the gov was denying it for hours. The LAX notification came after the missle.

It was large, it was scary and was right over head. 

Ditto this ! 

Someone dropped the ball or............................

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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

Just heard something VERY interesting!


Why was it done this way? 


The theory is that, knowing our military doesn't brag about our weapons, this was the perfect way to brag and make a show of it.


The missile was launched at a time when people would notice, not late at night and not over a barren area, lots of people would see it.


It's HUGE, reportedly 44 feet long, POWER.


They wanted to get the message to N.Korea and some others that we have the power.  To let them know who's boss. 


THEY KNEW it would be all over social media, including pix, and the word would get to the bad guys.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

But it looks like it was an error.  Like it almost did damage to our own country.  The point of military exercises is to scare the ENEMY NOT US.  

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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

Let the conspiracy theories begin!

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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

For those interested, here's an article from the Washington Post on the subject:


California missile test: Social media nightmare or exactly what the Navy wanted?


"Did officials underestimate social media’s ability to turn a routine event into front-page fodder?


Or was that the plan all along, using the inevitable influence of social media to flex America’s military might for observers in Beijing and Moscow?


The Navy has performed similar launches many times, Daniels said, but never with effects so visible that they caught people’s attention from San Francisco to Arizona."

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

Worth repeating....


The point of military exercises is to scare the ENEMY NOT US!