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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?


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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

Okay, so I am from the Stone Age, but I understood the military test fires things away from populations.  It was seen in Arizona?  From the CA coastline?  That's a stretch, a real stretch.  We see the missles fired off from Lompoc but we know from years of living here what they look like.  Our local news last night stated it was a missle but that's what they are fed and they pass it on.  Doesn't make sense

You're right it doesn't make sense and there's a "reason" for that.

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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

My husband said, there is a possibility that it is either Russian or Chinese as they do have the capacity to lauch and let us know, they can deliver.  Espcially from a submarine.  Not very comforting. 

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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?



Look at the the trajectory.  The missile is headed upward.  From a launch site to its destination.  If it was from a foreign sub it would have had to be launched from way out in the sea and would be flying straight/level, not upward.


It's all about the trajectory.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

Surely most of us have seen TV mystery shows where they can almost immediately tell where a bullet came from because of the trajectory, right?  Same principle here.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

@LTT1 wrote:


This picture is just spectacular thank you so much for posting it!


How great would it be to live in one of those houses up on those hills overlooking the bay/water . . . Smiley Happy

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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?



I don't know about you, but when I saw this pic, I understood the fear.

if one googles "sky Friday missile," there are a few other pictures that put the event more in perspective.

the article I skimmed noted that the public was alerted. (?)

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

@LTT1 wrote:



I don't know about you, but when I saw this pic, I understood the fear.

if one googles "sky Friday missile," there are a few other pictures that put the event more in perspective.

the article I skimmed noted that the public was alerted. (?)




That's good to know.


A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Anyone In Arizona Or SoCal See The Light InThe Sky?

[ Edited ]

Hi Noel.  It could have been hostile forces.  It was seen from San Diego to ???  Like in the past when the Russian fighters came right up beside our territorial waters here becuse their leader was letting our current POTUS know, he wasn't afraid of us and could send us some very strong messages.  I just don't buy the media's answer yet and WHEN did they alert the public????

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust