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Re: Anybody Going to Go to the Dentist When They Re-Open?

I saw my dentist in early March...glad I did. My brother is a recently-retired dentist. He says that the field of dentistry will have significant challenges and will have to undergo change as a result of the current pandemic.

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Re: Anybody Going to Go to the Dentist When They Re-Open?

@Anonymous032819   Yes I need to see my dentist because right after the quaratine started I broke an upper crown on my right side in 1/2.  So it needs to be replaced. I've been going to my dentist for 35 years so I totally trust him. Everything is always clean and sanitary anyway so I know he will take whatever extra precautions he can. 

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Re: Anybody Going to Go to the Dentist When They Re-Open?

I am had my appointment changed to June  30th. I'm ready.

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Re: Anybody Going to Go to the Dentist When They Re-Open?

Yup--  my appointment for a simple elective visit has been postponed twice.  It'll probably be pushed back one more time.  I don't really mind--  dental visits are not my favorites, even though my dentist is a very entertaining and knowledgeable classic film buff!

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Re: Anybody Going to Go to the Dentist When They Re-Open?

I will.  I'm in the midst of an implant.  I've been growing bone.

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Registered: ‎09-18-2010

Re: Anybody Going to Go to the Dentist When They Re-Open?

My last dental exam was in late Feb I think, I usually go 3 times a year, but I may just wait and go in early fall. Unless I am having a problem.