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Posts: 80
Registered: ‎01-25-2011

I watched Antonella and Dennis yesterday and it was a delightful show.  I love them both and it felt like tho old QVC.  Everybody is real and down to earth.  Antonella if you are reading this stay just as you are.  You are so pretty and funny and you could sell me air.

It is refreshing to see people  enjoy each other.  Thank you


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Registered: ‎08-20-2012

Re: Antonella and Dennis Basso

          I watched part of the show and also thought they worked well together.  I enjoy Antonella when she is not all hyped up and over excited.   Her presentations are also enjoyable with Angel from Quacker Factory.

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Registered: ‎05-19-2012

Re: Antonella and Dennis Basso

I did not see the recent show of Antonella with Dennis Basso, but I adore her when she pairs up with Louis Dell'Olio.  


Their glee at being together rubs off on the viewer (at least me).