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The only flavored Oreo I have tried yet is the Cotton Candy one. I love Cotton Candy flavored anything. My daughter saw these at Target and bought me a bag knowing how much I love Cotton Candy. She got the vanilla cookie, not the chocolate one. It was really good. Yum! That is what I hate about trying anything that is limited edition though because you usually end up liking it and then can't find it again.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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Where did you get the coconut nut Oreos? I would like to try them for I like coconut. I had forgot to put in the caramel apple ones but I see someone didn't care for them. Also what about the hamburger ones any tasters and is it real and safe? Is Target the only place getting the new flavors?

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@sunala wrote:


How about this flavor? Sweet and salty yummmm Woman Tongue


Is this for real? Made with ground beef??? This looks so gross.

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@sunshine45 wrote:

toasted coconut.....



Yum!!! I will have to look for this one. I like the thin lemon oreo.

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@esmeraldagooch wrote:

Bring jobs back to the USA..... No to Oreo's.


I had not ate an oreo in years. I wanted a lemon cookie & saw the thin lemon & bought those. I can live without Oreo's. Sorry they closed up in Chicago & went to Mexico. All these jobs need to come back to the USA

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@Nightowlz wrote:

@sunala wrote:


How about this flavor? Sweet and salty yummmm Woman Tongue


Is this for real? Made with ground beef??? This looks so gross.

 is a was going around the internet for a while though.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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9/11 was far scarier...and the people who didn't keep us safe that day - and literally laughed off the warnings.

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@MyGirlsMom wrote:

@physicsnut wrote:

@JJsMom wrote:

I liked the pumpkin spice ones.


DT is a joke. A scary joke.




What has happened to our country over the past 7 years is much more scarier...



Nah, the real scary time was in 2001, September 11th.

ITA...but I also forgot to "quote" the thread!


Where exactly ARE the coconut Oreos found??? TIA...

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@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:

Yuk all of these new cookies and/or flavored potato chips etc are nothing but chemicals. Would not waste my $$

I agree.  Also, can't imagine being addicted to that garbage and then running to the gym thinking an hour of working out will make it all right. 

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i saw the coconut oreos at walmart today, along with the pumpkin spice. have not really looked anywhere else yet.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein