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Re: Another Subaru Question. CrossTrek or Forester opinions wanted

I am on my second Crosstrek. I love them! I preferred the look of my first one a little more because the slightly shorter front made it look more sporty. But, I do like the look of the Crosstrek over the Forrester. If I needed more storage space, I would have gone for the Forrester.

I think either way you go will make you happy. Subarus are great vehicles.
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Re: Another Subaru Question. CrossTrek or Forester opinions wanted

I have owned 7 Subarus since 2003 (I lease).  All Outbacks, except for a 2006 Tribeca and 2009 Forester.  The Forester, at that time, was a bit too small for me.  My friend has a 2019 Forester and she loves it.  


Me - I'm sticking with my Outbacks.  My dad got my sister and me addicted to themWoman Very Happy.  I feel very safe driving it.

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Re: Another Subaru Question. CrossTrek or Forester opinions wanted

Forester.  I don't recall which year.......maybe a couple of years before the pandemic.  I'll have to check this weekend.


Anyway.......lots of room, plenty of daylight inside.  Anyone sitting in the back would have plenty of visibility in a delightfully daylight environment.


I tried sitting in a multitude of cars, and all of them at the time were very dark and 'tight' room-wise.  I thought: 'Gee, I would feel bad for small children sitting in the back seat in a very dark car.  What fun would that be for them?



'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Another Subaru Question. CrossTrek or Forester opinions wanted

@icezeus- My sister and a friend had an Outback and another friend had a Forester.  Their cars lasted for over 20 something years, they never reported problems.


Suburu makes a reliable car.

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Re: Another Subaru Question. CrossTrek or Forester opinions wanted

Thank you everyone for your replies. I am actually going to test drive each model Sunday after church. I will not be purchasing because I like to think about things before making a big decision.


I absolutely detest the entire car buying experience.  I am even thinking about possibly purchasing through Costco to avoid the hassle after I make up my mind. 


I called one dealership today just to feel them out, told them I already had my financing through my credit union. He immediately started hounding me about what if they could beat the interest rate.  Who was my financing through. Meaning the name. (That's none of your business)  Ughhhhh. The second time he brought it up I told him that we were off to a rocky start. I have since crossed that dealership off my list. I am a very upfront person and I do not like sales people who do not listen to me or are very pushy. 

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Re: Another Subaru Question. CrossTrek or Forester opinions wanted

You are welcome!  


Sitting in various car models will help you have a feeling about how comfortable you will be while driving. 


I like plenty of visibility and able to 'see over the top of the front' of the car.  I like to 'sit up high' in my seat.


You will find the right one for you!


The best of luck, always.  Heart





'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Another Subaru Question. CrossTrek or Forester opinions wanted

Have an Outback and love it! We do some long trips and it is super comfortable, great on gas and rides great.
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Re: Another Subaru Question. CrossTrek or Forester opinions wanted

[ Edited ]

When I bought my 2017 Forester in 2016, I used Costco's car buying service & it was my easiest & most stress free car buying experience I've ever had.  The Costco service doesn't deal with all dealers, but they can tell you the ones they do.  There's only one Subaru dealer here in Tucson, though, so it wasn't an issue that concerned me.  Both Costco & the dealer couldn't have been nicer & easier to deal with & there was no pressure & the saleslady at the dealer was just awesome.


ETA: Plus, Costco gave me a $1500 Costco Gift Card to spend for using their service, too.

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Re: Another Subaru Question. CrossTrek or Forester opinions wanted

We had a 2017 Touring Forrester. We got rid of it right before Covid hit because the ride was so rough and bumpy. I thought I would get used to it but just couldn't.

Because I am 5' tall, it's hard to find a car that "fits" me - one that does not have a high beltline, and in which I sit upright and have good visibility.  We liked the visibility out of the Forrester but it just wasn't a smooth enough ride for these old bones. It also had a lot of the driving assist safety things that were standard.  We liked those, too!


We replaced that car and are leasing something else.  We got the new car in February 2020 and it has about 2,000 miles on it.  The lease is up next February.

Good luck on your search! 

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Posts: 7,193
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Re: Another Subaru Question. CrossTrek or Forester opinions wanted

@aubnwa01 wrote:

When I bought my 2017 Forester in 2016, I used Costco's car buying service & it was my easiest & most stress free car buying experience I've ever had.  The Costco service doesn't deal with all dealers, but they can tell you the ones they do.  There's only one Subaru dealer here in Tucson, though, so it wasn't an issue that concerned me.  Both Costco & the dealer couldn't have been nicer & easier to deal with & there was no pressure & the saleslady at the dealer was just awesome.


ETA: Plus, Costco gave me a $1500 Costco Gift Card to spend for using their service, too.


Thank you for the additional information on purchasing through Costco. I knew two people years ago that used Costco to purchase their vehicles and both of them had a good experience.