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Another Sad National Park Incident

[ Edited ]

image.jpgA middle aged couple from France and their 9 year old son set out this past week a five mile hike in White Sands Nat'l Monument.  There were signs (in 5 languages including French)  all over the place advising hikers to have one gallon of water per person.  It was unusually hot last week with temps in the park at least 100 degrees.


They didn't get very far before the woman felt ill and turned back.  They found her body and that of the man some distance apart.  The boy survived and told rescuers they gave him two sips of water for every one they took.  This saved his life.  They apparently had only taken a minimum amount of water.


I believe they reported on the news that the grandparents from France were coming to get the boy.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Another Sad National Park Incident

So, so sad Smiley Sad 

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Another Sad National Park Incident

So very sad, however, what makes someone set out for a 5 mile hike in those temps. especially with a child. 

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Re: Another Sad National Park Incident

I live about one hour away from White Sands.  That day, it was 101 to 103 degrees here.  There at the park, the heat was the same, but the sun shining on the sand reflects even more heat and on top of that, there is absolutely no shade!!   The family only had two bottles of water with them. So sad...

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Re: Another Sad National Park Incident

@corita wrote:

The family only had two bottles of water with them.


And no common sense.

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Re: Another Sad National Park Incident

[ Edited ]



I saw the story on my yahoo page and it broke my heart.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: Another Sad National Park Incident

Yes, it is sad. Sad that people go out on an adventure totally unprepared! I really do NOT know what they were thinking! So, now the son has no parents just because they had not a clue about survival. 

-Texas Hill Country-
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Re: Another Sad National Park Incident

People do such incredibly stupid things in our parks.  My parents were camping at Yellowstone once and there was a huge bull buffalo in the area.  A woman had a little girl about five years old and was trying to get her to go pet it so she could take a picture.  The child did get within 5 ft.  Mother yelled at them to get the child away.  People think those buffalo are like big benign cows when they're actually wild animal and are huge.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Another Sad National Park Incident

I've never been to a National Park.  Although I'm smart enough to know I will not be 'making friends' with the wildlife, I wonder sometimes if visitors think Rangers will be on the lookout for visitors in distress. 


As far as the couple who sacrificed their water for their child, I get the feeling they knew they made an error and would not make it.


Yes, they didn't think it through or perhaps take the 'gallon' suggestion seriously, by they died and I can't call them stupid.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Another Sad National Park Incident

@Kachina624 wrote:

image.jpgThere were signs (in 5 languages including French)  all over the place advising hikers to have one gallon of water per person.  



(Shaking head)


"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."