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Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

@tends2dogs wrote:

I wish the OP would have her "DH" contact the proper authorities about the kids you see playing hide and seek  in the toilet paper and paper towel sections of stores.....touching all the packages with runny noses, etc.  Also the kids that push under the racks of clothes, running the clothes across their faces (nose and mouth) all the while their parents are obliviously texting or talking on the phone.  The clerks in these stores appear helpless to do anything about it.  Maybe the OP's DH could get some quick action about this problem??!!

@tends2dogs  Great suggestion!  I have never had a problem with a dog in any store, but have had many near misses with children running wild in stores because the PARENTS aren't watching them.  But I would never suggest children not be allowed in, but I think store management should do something about parents who use the store as a babysitter while they shop.  Not the fault of the children that their parents leave them unattended.  Very unsafe, for so many reasons.  A lot of these small children are out of sight o the parent and anything can happen.

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Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

Besides wiping down the cart, cans and boxed items should be wiped clean to rid them of insect and vermin "leavings."
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Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

@violann wrote:

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@violann wrote:

Some of our local supermarkets and our local Walmart are providing antiseptic toilets to wipe down the carts as you come through the door. LOVE the stores that do it, and use them more often than stores that don't!

They provide antiseptic toilets?



IPAD SPELLCHECK. I had hoped nobody would see it! 

But then again, I got a huge laugh over it myself. 


@violann I just wanted to say thank you for your extreme good humor in this thread as it really made my day!  Smiley Happy

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Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

@Kachina624 wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

I think it is very unusual for any agency to get back to you telling you the details of their findings.


I have over the years reported unhealthy conditions and even child abuse.


AlI ever received in return was a letter stating that they investigated the issue.  There were no details telling me of their findings or solutions.


This is impossible for me to believe.  Sorry.

@Carmie  @151949  I don't find a report back unusual at all.  I don't think 151949, is a liar.


I recently called our city water department to report I'd seen a privately owned tank truck filling up at a city hydrant.  They investigated and called me back the next day with the outcome.  The truck was authorized.


It's only good PR after someone goes to the trouble to call with details and make a report.

We had a lawn service truck stealing water from the hydrant in front of our house. My husband called the township with the license number.  We were told that they were fined and thanked for reporting it.  When we received our next township newsletter, there was an article asking people to report any activity involving a fire hydrant being opened by anyone other than township employees.


Anything I reported to the health department or child abuse center was investigated and I received a letter explaining that the matter was investigated and closed.  I never received any minute details of what was done or how it was handled.  I never received a phone call from them either.


 I am sure when something is reported to the health dept or child abuse centers, there are records kept and copies of reports made.  There are audits done as well.


BTW, I never called the OP a liar.  I just said it was impossible for me to believe her.


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Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

All I can say is that I have never seen a child lick its own hind end.

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Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

@tends2dogs wrote:

I wish the OP would have her "DH" contact the proper authorities about the kids you see playing hide and seek  in the toilet paper and paper towel sections of stores.....touching all the packages with runny noses, etc.  Also the kids that push under the racks of clothes, running the clothes across their faces (nose and mouth) all the while their parents are obliviously texting or talking on the phone.  The clerks in these stores appear helpless to do anything about it.  Maybe the OP's DH could get some quick action about this problem??!!

I have never seen children acting the way you are describing. Just because the OP wrote something about dogs does not mean that children should be attacked.


I really dislike every time someone says Boo about dogs, there has to be a disparaging reply about kids.

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Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

@KathyPet wrote:

All I can say is that I have never seen a child lick its own hind end.

LOL same here, but ai did see a child lick a mirror at Macy's, and it wasn't a quick lick,  He was at it for a couple of minutes.  I pointed it out to his parents and they said it was ok, he wasn't hurting anything.  Grossed me out;






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Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store


@Caligurll wrote:

@tends2dogs wrote:

I wish the OP would have her "DH" contact the proper authorities about the kids you see playing hide and seek  in the toilet paper and paper towel sections of stores.....touching all the packages with runny noses, etc.  Also the kids that push under the racks of clothes, running the clothes across their faces (nose and mouth) all the while their parents are obliviously texting or talking on the phone.  The clerks in these stores appear helpless to do anything about it.  Maybe the OP's DH could get some quick action about this problem??!!

@tends2dogs  Great suggestion!  I have never had a problem with a dog in any store, but have had many near misses with children running wild in stores because the PARENTS aren't watching them.  But I would never suggest children not be allowed in, but I think store management should do something about parents who use the store as a babysitter while they shop.  Not the fault of the children that their parents leave them unattended.  Very unsafe, for so many reasons.  A lot of these small children are out of sight o the parent and anything can happen.

@Caligurll  I so agree.  These kids could be victims of abduction and the parents would be on the 6 o'clock news crying (not that I wouldn't feel pity for them).....BUT come on parents, keep an eye on your kids while shopping.  These people don't realize how soon their kids will be grown and gone.  They are losing out on precious time.  Put them in the cart (after wiping down, of course Smiley Happy ) and share some one on one, eye to eye time.  You will never get those moments again........quality time, priceless, time.


I guess this could be a whole other post!!!  Smiley Happy

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Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

My sister reported something to the DOH once and they in fact did return her call and update her on the situation so I believe it happens. 


Also - Weights and Measures Dept in a local county was called about an issue of firewood and if it was being sold as marked in the right quanity. Some where disputing it was what was stated as it was in a bag and not stacked. They not only got back to the person in question..they went to the company (it was small husband/wife owned) informed them they were there for the report of wood and customers thinking they were shorted by the way they were bagged. They placed what was a 1/2 cord of wood in a bag and it was indeed what they stated..they then even let the owners take a picture of their report along with the wood stacked and placed in the bag..they then posted it on Facebook and flyers around town...


I think it depends on the locale..


As for the original topic..I too have noticed NON Service animals in many stores...sorry I find it yuck to place infants and children much less food in a basket where they have dogs laying...In Kohls once this lady took the double twin stroller and put two dogs in in each one..butt down ..and people put their little children in that stroller. Sorry  I get they love their pooch..but we do not ..leave him at home where he is more comfy..


Also, some places do offer wipes to wipe down the is little wipes more so for the cart handles and not doing a complete wash down..!


I have said this before and will say it again. Posters here often do not post in response to the post but to the person. If somebody annoys you that much is short...ignore them!

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Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

Regarding the carts being washed down:


My local Giant does this every 8-10 days. They also have the wipes as you walk in and out of the store. They really go through them during the winter, let me tell ya. The use Lysol in a spray mist (similar to what I attach to my garden hose when either fertilizing or spraying for bugs in the garden) and then rinse it down. Why? Bacteria issues from people, animals, birds. My son told me because he's had to do it (he works at Giant).


I always wondered why the carts would be wet when there hadn't been any rain.