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Re: Amazon Scam

[ Edited ]

I'll tell you I hated to do it, I liked my Landline because in emergencies when the power went out I could still call out (I used to keep an old style phone in the closet for these situations) ......BUT I got so darn tired of all the robocalls, spam calls, and fraud calls (I never answered these calls and would let my answering machine screen all calls but still the phone rang from early in the morning until late at night) -----I FINALLY got rid of my Landline and never looked back...PEACE AND QUIET...... 


I dont get any "nuisance calls" on my cell phone, I think Ive gotten 2 suspicious text in the last 3 years, I blocked them and never heard from them again! 


I do occasionally get a suspicious email, but a quick call to the company number from their website for clarification and reporting purposes takes care of those....

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I received the same $999.00 account.  I hung up when they got to the 9 figure. 

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@gidgetgh wrote:

Just. Don't. Answer. the. Phone. 

@gidgetgh exactly. If I don't recognize the number, I don't answer.  If it's legit and someone is really trying to get a hold of me, they'll leave a voicemail. 

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@gidgetgh wrote:

Just. Don't. Answer. the. Phone. 

Agree,why answer!!!!

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@gidgetgh wrote:

Just. Don't. Answer. the. Phone. 

All the scammers use my area code. I don't know my kids' kids (There are too many!) phone numbers so I answer in case.

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@Love my grandkids wrote:

@Still Raining LOL! So were you up for a "good time" ?  too funny

After due consideration, I decided to wait for Senor BB to call.  As if!!!!